Resolution Reset with Wendy (Snackbite Solo Episode)

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How many years have you made New Year promises only to find yourself making them all over again 12 months later?

I share my Top 10 Tips for making lasting habit change in 2023 and every year thereafter in this bite-sized solo episode. With these strategies, you’ll make permanent, meaningful changes this year instead of giving up when “life gets lifey”, as it always does.

Learn about trying different, not harder, stacking small change, the power of positive emotion, and the pitfalls of a deprivation and willpower-based plan.

Discover how to plan for real life this time, anticipate roadblocks and create contingency plans that will keep you on track. You’ll leave this episode with a brand-new framework for goal setting in 2023!

Ready to set yourself up for a truly successful alcohol experiment in 2023? Join me in my incredibly popular 6-week small group program for women, REWIND. It starts Jan 6, 2023. Until Jan...

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How to Do Your Own Alcohol Experiment (Snackbite Solo Episode)

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Wait! Before you say, “But I don’t have a problem with alcohol”, know this – my tips in this bite-sized solo episode are critical to making permanent, meaningful change in ANY area of your life. Whether your coping mechanism of choice is red wine, salt and vinegar chips, cupcakes, or Nordstrom Rack, there’s something in this episode for everyone.

Learn the 3 C’s of making change with an experiment mindset, how this approach changed EVERYTHING for me in January 2018 and led to me being almost 5 years alcohol-free, and why it’s the underpinning of every session I coach and program I create.

Ready to set yourself up for a truly successful alcohol experiment in 2023? '

Join me in my incredibly popular 6-week small group program for women, REWIND.

I only run this once a year, so don't miss out! 

Group starts January 6, 2023. Until Jan 2nd, save $100 with code...

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“Your One Word Year” with Mary Byers

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In episode 101, I talk to Mary Byers, an author, speaker, and coach who helps organizations and individuals set priorities and develop winning focus. Mary shares her experience with her “One Word Year” experiment. She has let one word guide her each year for the last decade, and she explains how that’s helped her to concentrate on what’s most important, simplify her focus, and improve her life.

Mary and I discuss the power of this practice and Mary provides guidance on how to pick a word, how to let it guide you, and when to abandon it. I explain the impact of feelings-based goals v. behaviour-based goals and the importance of flexibility when it comes to permanently changing habits and thinking. I also share my “one word” for the new year and how it came to me after I became an empty nester earlier this fall.

The “One Word Year” is a wonderful alternative to making a laundry list...

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The Little Podcast That Could - 100th Episode Celebration (with Dr. Sarah Baillie, N.D.)

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It’s the 100th episode of Bite-Sized Balance!

In today’s episode of ‘the little podcast that could’, my regular co-host and bestie Dr. Sarah Baillie, N.D., joins me to celebrate 100 episodes of Bite-Sized Balance, the “fake” podcast that I started over two years ago.

We each choose a handful of episodes that stand out for us from past seasons and discuss why you should give them a listen if you haven’t had the chance or are a new listener to the show.

We also talk about feeling “couchy”, the pitfalls of Daylight Savings Time, and Sarah’s newfound passion for coaching.

Here are our favourite episodes with the links to watch on my website (you can also listen to all of these on your preferred podcast platform):

Episode 1: The Meno Whisperer (Dr. Sarah Baillie, N.D.)


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Women, Burnout Culture and the Great Resignation with Sara McElroy

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Sara McElroy is a former hustle culture devotee, ex-chief marketing officer, the Wall Street Journal’s poster girl for pandemic career burnout, and a two-time member of the Great Resignation: class of 2021 and 2022.

Following a stress-induced shingles diagnosis in early 2021, Sara decided to hit the reset button on her life; she quit her hard-won CMO job and trekked to Peru's Sacred Valley to reset her frayed nervous system.

When she returned, she relocated from the buzzy metropolis of Atlanta to the beach in South Florida for a new job and a fresh start. But she once again encountered deeply ingrained cultural issues in her new role, and ultimately, she walked away again.

Finding herself in the company of millions of other women who also set unfulfilling jobs ablaze during the Great Resignation, she returned to her journalism roots and began to explore the stories, breaking points, and defining moments that led women to seek...

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The Rise of Anxiety & Overwhelm with Kelley Kitley

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Kelley Kitley is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and therapist with over 20 years of experience in the field, a sought-after international mental health media expert, a mom of four, and a bestselling author of her autobiography of survival “My self.” She has appeared in hundreds of publications, podcasts, live news, and radio shows including The Today Show, The Chicago Tribune, Self magazine, Shape, Dr Oz, The Drew Barrymore Show, the Wall Street Journal, and the Oprah Magazine, and owns Serendipitous Psychotherapy, in Chicago. 

Kelley shares her story of trauma, alcohol dependence, and recovery as well as some of her best strategies as a therapist for helping women reduce overwhelm and get more present in their lives.

Kelley and I discuss why anxiety is on the rise and the growing epidemic of “busyness” for women. 

We provide practical, accessible ideas for creating moments of mindfulness in your...

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Finding Magic in Midlife Recovery (with Racquel Reid)

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Racquel Reid is a certified This Naked Mind coach with a unique story of recovery. In this episode, Racquel shares her drinking story and explains why her life got smaller 11 years ago when she first stopped drinking, and how after years of feeling “abnormal” and hiding away from the world, she rediscovered her power and magic and has built a life beyond what she could have imagined.

Both in the “zigs and zags” of menopause, Racquel and I discuss how happy we are to be alcohol-free at this stage of our hormonal lives and how we have both discovered confidence and clarity in menopause.

Racquel shares her next big leap: taking her coaching business on the road as she explores South America and Eastern Asia on her own.

As a coach, Racquel works primarily with women who have already stopped drinking but are feeling disempowered and less than magical about their own lives.

More about Racquel: ...

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Pet Peeves in Midlife (with Dr. Sarah Baillie, N.D.)

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If you need a good laugh and a little levity, tune into this episode, where Sarah and I share the list of “Pet Peeves” that we’ve been accumulating together over the last year, including petty yet universal annoyances like the perpetual “goaty” smell of dishtowels and empty ice cube trays left in the freezer, but also inexplicable, less rational irritants like mimes (in general, in person or on-screen), books about the Great Depression or riding trains and just about anything “curated, artisanal or bespoke.”

There’s something in this episode for everyone (if nothing else, you’ll feel better about your own cortisol-jacking pet peeves, promise!) Join Sarah and me for a fun conversation about the small things that drive us crazy in midlife. 

I'm pretty sure you won't regret it.

For free tools and resources for making change around alcohol, burnout, or midlife, visit: ...

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Drinking and Your Hormones in Midlife (with Dr. Brooke Scheller)

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Dr. Brooke Scheller is a Doctor of Clinical Nutrition, Certified Nutrition Specialist, and expert in nutrition for alcohol use by impacting gut and brain health. She is a leader in the wellness space, pioneering the understanding of how alcohol impacts the gut, our nutritional pathways, and the brain through nutrient deficiencies.

In this episode, Dr. Brooke shares what led her to challenge her relationship with alcohol and stop drinking during the pandemic.

Brooke and I discuss how drinking affects our hormones in midlife, including our reproductive and thyroid hormones, and our blood sugar management.

Dr. Brooke explains how drinking less can help us feel better and how our food choices can help us to cut back without feeling deprived.

She provides some simple actionable steps you can take now to give your body more of what it needs to create and manage your hormones. It’s a fascinating discussion you won’t want to...

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Rethinking Drinking in Perimenopause (with Rachel Layton)

Watch the podcast, above, or listen below. 

Rachael Layton is a certified This Naked Mind coach from Brisbane, Australia, who is now happily alcohol-free, after years of working as a corporate communications specialist while raising a family and feeling in control of all areas of her life, except for the way she drank.

In this episode, Rachel shares her drinking story and explains why perimenopause made her rethink her drinking. Rachel and I discuss why hitting rock bottom and/or identifying as an “alcoholic” are not prerequisites to leaving alcohol behind, and what Rachel learned after her first attempt to stop drinking that allowed her to achieve full freedom from alcohol the second time around.

Rachel now works with women in midlife who are successful, driven, and who seemingly have their lives together, but are concerned about the amount they are drinking.

More about Rachel:

Instagram:  ...

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