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Are you stuck in a job, habit, or relationship that’s not serving you? Maybe you’re struggling with whether you should stick it out a little longer in case it gets better. In this episode, I share the approach I use with coaching clients who are feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled to help them gain clarity, get unstuck, and start taking action to create the life, habits, and relationships they dream of. I explain how to articulate the fear behind your resistance to change, how to make as many uncertainties in your situation “certain” to reduce that fear and anxiety, and a simple tracking system I use with my clients that will help you know when it’s time to leave. My unique approach is flexible and helpful no matter where you are feeling stuck, whether it’s your career, your marriage, a friendship, or an unhealthy habit like alcohol.
Need help getting started? Download your free...
Watch the podcast, above, or listen below.
How many years have you made New Year promises only to find yourself making them all over again 12 months later?
I share my Top 10 Tips for making lasting habit change in 2023 and every year thereafter in this bite-sized solo episode. With these strategies, you’ll make permanent, meaningful changes this year instead of giving up when “life gets lifey”, as it always does.
Learn about trying different, not harder, stacking small change, the power of positive emotion, and the pitfalls of a deprivation and willpower-based plan.
Discover how to plan for real life this time, anticipate roadblocks and create contingency plans that will keep you on track. You’ll leave this episode with a brand-new framework for goal setting in 2023!
Ready to set yourself up for a truly successful alcohol experiment in 2023? Join me in my incredibly popular 6-week small group program for women, REWIND. It starts Jan 6, 2023. Until Jan...
Watch the podcast, above, or listen below.
In episode 101, I talk to Mary Byers, an author, speaker, and coach who helps organizations and individuals set priorities and develop winning focus. Mary shares her experience with her “One Word Year” experiment. She has let one word guide her each year for the last decade, and she explains how that’s helped her to concentrate on what’s most important, simplify her focus, and improve her life.
Mary and I discuss the power of this practice and Mary provides guidance on how to pick a word, how to let it guide you, and when to abandon it. I explain the impact of feelings-based goals v. behaviour-based goals and the importance of flexibility when it comes to permanently changing habits and thinking. I also share my “one word” for the new year and how it came to me after I became an empty nester earlier this fall.
The “One Word Year” is a wonderful alternative to making a laundry list...
Watch the podcast, above, or listen below.
What is your “one big thing”?
That one area of desired mental or behavioural change that you have been struggling with for years?
How would achieving the permanent change you desire in that area make everything else in your life that much easier?
In this episode, I discuss why we struggle with making lasting change and the three keys to approaching your “one big thing” differently in 2022 so that you finally achieve the outcome you desire.
Tired of making resolutions that only last a few weeks? Lasting change is possible – try different this year, not harder!
Start changing the beliefs that are keeping you stuck in drinking now:
Watch the podcast, above, or listen below.
Dr. Jenn Salib-Huber and I discuss why most January resolutions fail and how women can make change in a way that supports both their mental and physical health without starting another diet.
We also discuss the destructive willpower-based diet cycle and how to get out of it for good. Dr. Jenn explains how we can empower ourselves when it comes to making lasting, resonant change around our relationship with food, including letting go of all or nothing thinking. I talk about my decision to ditch the scale four years ago and all the freedom that has come with that.
There is still time to join my free 5-Day Rewind Alcohol Challenge: (you'll get access to the replay's for any days you've missed by registering!)
More about Dr. Jenn Salib-Huber’s Challenge:
Watch the episode, above, or listen, below!
Dr. Jenn Salib Huber, Intuitive Eating Coach, R.D. & N.D., and I discuss the soul-crushing toll the commercial diet cycle is taking on women, why resolutions don’t last, and how women can break free of the noise and achieve freedom when it comes to food.
If you’ve been on “every diet out there” or made resolutions around food in 2021 that you’ve already “broken”, this podcast is for you!
Ready to get out of the chronic cycle of the latest "quick-fix" followed by guilt & shame when you can't keep it going? Listen to this episode.
We talk about how to shift your relationship with food from a rule-based, deprivation-centered model to one of abundance and freedom. Break free and find so much more joy in healthy, intuitive eating!
Follow Jenn on Instagram at @menopause.nutritionist.
Watch the episode, above, or listen, below!
Why do so many resolutions fail? I answer this question and provide several options for “rethinking your resolutions” this year and setting yourself up for lasting success.
What might happen if you set goals around how you wanted to feel, instead of what you wanted to do?
Or stacked one small habit on top of another, instead of reaching for that extreme “quick fix” solution?
If you’ve made resolutions year after year, with little to no permanent results, this podcast episode is for you! Try different this year, not harder.
50% Complete
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