What to Do When You Feel Done With a Coaching Client

In this episode of The Coaching Edge, we'll talk about managing coaching client relationships, particularly when coaches feel they are done with a client.

I give listeners three common scenarios: when a coaching engagement is complete, when clients achieve their goals early, and when a client may not be a good fit. The episode highlights the importance of communication, curiosity, and offering continued support, as well as the potential for transitioning clients to group coaching or other resources.

This conversation provides practical strategies for coaches to navigate these situations effectively.

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How to Deal with a Disappointing Launch

I'm back with a new episode of The Coaching Edge!

This week on the podcast I'm sharing my tips to deal with a disappointing launch, yep- I've been there!

In this episode I stress the importance of reframing success and defining it based on factors within your control.

I also suggest polling your audience to gather feedback and make improvements to your program and messaging. I recommend having genuine excitement and belief in the program you are offering and highlights the value of a beta mindset in relaunching.

I conclude by reminding you that launching is an iterative process and encourage you to learn from each launch and make improvements for future success.

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The Business Building Bootcamp

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90+ Powerful Coaching Questions 

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Creating An Online Coaching Course

In this episode of The Coaching Edge, I share the process of creating an online course for coaches. I emphasize the importance of determining the purpose of the course and where it fits in your suite of offers.

I also provide guidance on choosing a topic for the course, including identifying personal journeys or transformations that you have experienced and can teach others, as well as looking at the pain points and challenges that your clients commonly face.

I recommend keeping the content manageable and considering additional content as bonus material or future offerings.In this episode of The Coaching Edge, I share the process of creating an online course for coaches. I emphasize the importance of determining the purpose of the course and where it fits in your suite of offers.

Listen to this episode of The Coaching Edge here

Want to work with me? Check out the resources I offer

The Business Building Bootcamp

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