How to Drink Less Without Feeling Deprived!

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Women’s drinking has been rising dramatically during the last couple of years. It’s become our go-to for numbing and escaping the challenges of modern, busy life in a pandemic. The good news is more and more women are questioning their relationship with alcohol.

If you’re starting to wonder if alcohol is still serving you, please celebrate that awareness! Drinking less (or not at all) is a positive wellness choice, and I'm on a mission to normalize that decision.

Join me as I share the 5 keys to making alcohol small and irrelevant in your life. Based on the practical, science-based approach of This Naked Mind, my path to achieving freedom from alcohol has worked for me and thousands of others. It’s like nothing you’ve ever tried, and it’s truly the way to take alcohol out of the driver’s seat. If you’re ready to take back control over alcohol, and drink less - start...

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Ask the Coach: How Do I Know If I Have a Problem with Alcohol?


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Are you a gray-area drinker? Join the club! Over 80% of North Americans drink and about 70% of them wish they drank less.

How do you know when it’s time to make a change? 

I explore this question in today’s episode, highlighting some of the signs that it may be time to start exploring your relationship with alcohol. 

I also talk about the one question we ask ourselves that doesn't really matter, and the one we need to be asking ourselves more often.

Finally, I give listeners a jumping-off point for starting to dig into their own relationship with alcohol with a simple coaching exercise.

Wish you drank a bit less? There's no need to commit to anything more than getting a little curious. I'd suggest you start by digging into your own beliefs around alcohol with  my 3 FREE alcohol belief-busting videos at

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Wendy’s Alcohol Story

  Watch the episode, above, or listen, below!

In this special episode, guest host Julie Lesperance takes the reins to interview me about my personal alcohol story on my 3-year anniversary of living alcohol-free. I explain how and why my relationship with wine changed over the course of my life, when and why I started to question it, and how I found freedom and went on to become a Certified Naked Mind Coach. 

If you think you’re the only one questioning your relationship with alcohol, you’re not. If you’re thinking things aren’t “bad enough” to make a change, you’re wrong. 

"Grey-area drinking" exists on a huge spectrum. You don't need to objectively have " a problem", be an "alcoholic" or hit a "rock bottom" to change your habits. The truth is: you simply don't HAVE to drink (or drink as much), and it's 100% up to you! (Boy, was it ever liberating when I realized that!)

You get to...

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