Sober in October: Here's Your Plan for Taking a Mindful Break From Alcohol

If you’ve been curious about what life might look like without alcohol, Sober October is the perfect time to do an experiment. I’m sharing this episode with you now so you have some time to prepare for a successful break from alcohol because it absolutely requires having a solid plan.

First, you’ll want to start examining your assumptions about alcohol, even before you stop drinking. Practically speaking, you’ll also need to decide what you’ll drink instead and how you’ll respond when people ask why you’re taking a break. I’ll also share why it’s critical that we track all the positives of not drinking and learn the science around how alcohol impacts our brains and body.

Lastly, I’ll talk about how doing this experiment with support can make this time of reflection so much more valuable. You can grab your Self-Guided 6-Week REWIND course (a Coach-Led Mindful Break from Alcohol) for $100USD off before October 15, 2023 using...

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Mommy Wine Culture: Why It’s Not About the Wine with Coach Celeste Yvonne

Between the countless memes, t-shirts, and dish towels, mommy wine culture is impossible to ignore. And before we get into it, let’s be clear: Mommy wine culture is not about a mother enjoying a glass of alcohol socially. What we’re talking about is promoting drinking as a culturally acceptable means to cope with the demands of motherhood. But have we ever stopped to really dig into why mom “needs” a glass of wine? 

In this episode, Coach Celeste Yvonne joins me to dive into the real reasons we are struggling to cope, all of which she thoughtfully identifies in her new book, “It’s Not About the Wine”. When we take a deeper look at the unrealistic demands placed on working moms, the lack of postpartum support, and the uneven distribution of labor, it’s pretty obvious that these layers of pressure are a huge piece of the problem and why so many moms are looking for a way to “numb out” or “escape” these...

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What We Did This Summer (Season 4 Opener with Sarah Baillie)

Welcome back to Season 4 of Bite-Sized Balance! My lovely co-host Sarah joins me again to catch up on the summer, chat about the joys and challenges of being moms to independent kids, and what we are excited about most as we ease into new fall routines!


While you will still be hearing from me and my guests each week, the format of the show for Season 4 has changed slightly. Twice a month, I’m inviting expert guests for longer interviews to cover specific topics to support your health and balance in this season. Then the other two episodes will be just me tackling more bite-sized topics which will be much shorter episodes. So many of you shared how much you enjoyed those episodes that were practical and actionable. I love them too, so there’s lots to look forward to there. 

Sarah let us know that she was almost completely successful in her commitment to doing nothing this summer. Her kids were at camp this summer, so there were plenty of days that gave her a...

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Everybody's Doing Their Best (Season 3 Finale with Sarah Baillie, N.D.)


 Watch the podcast above, or listen below. 

Sarah and I are back again to wrap up season 3 of BSB and talk about the one impactful mindset shift we have made in the last couple of years that has led us to live with more compassion and way less judgment.

Drawing on a Brené Brown anecdote, we explain how everything changes when we start assuming that everyone (even the people who frustrate and disappoint us most) is “doing their best.” We can then decide how to respond from a place of empathy instead of criticism.

Everybody’s best looks different, and our “best” can change from day to day, but using the “what if they’re doing their best” lens helps you treat people with kindness and compassion and can also lead to you also being able to show yourself more of the same. 

Topics include: 

  • How to get started with a practice of empathy
  • Stepping into empathy while also setting boundaries
  • Our goals for...
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Imposter Syndrome and Perfectionism with Melissa Chureau

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Melissa Chureau is a purpose and mindset coach, lawyer, and podcaster. She helps women move beyond imposterism and perfectionism to create space in the mind and uncover our true, integrated selves.

As a lawyer for 20 years, she has witnessed many people who work and live out of alignment with their values and purpose—often because they don’t know their worth, regardless of their successes. Many feel like imposters waiting to get exposed, and afraid that who they really are isn’t enough.

As a person with over 22 years in recovery from alcohol use disorder and a lifelong ADHDer, Melissa is all too familiar with what the experience of imposter syndrome can do. After years of living behind the mask of imposterism, she now lives authentically and regularly shares her story to destigmatize both alcohol use disorder and ADHD. She leads meditation and mindfulness practices, leads workshops on overcoming imposterism...

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Peaceful Coparenting with Scott Pinyard, Coach

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Scott Pinyard is the owner and coach at Modern Coparent, a company dedicated to helping people find peace while coparenting. He has years of coaching experience both in private practice and as the Head Coach of This Naked Mind. Scott’s focus is in helping people through challenging growth with compassion, patience and humor.

Scott shares his personal story of modern coparenting and how he came to be a coach in this area. He explains how our lives are built on story and how these stories inform how we parent and coparent. Scott and I discuss some of the most common coparenting stories, why we often get stuck in patterns that don’t serve our kids, and how we can step into personal responsibility once we get clear on our stories and replace them with new beliefs that serve us better as individuals and parents. Scott provides some accessible, practical tips for parents who are currently in conflict and seeking more peace around...

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Midlife Desire Debrief: The Burnout Connection

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Sarah and I reflect on our recent mind-blowing interview with Dr. Lori Brotto, psychologist, professor, and renowned sexual health researcher about women’s desire in midlife.

We dig into:

   the difference between spontaneous and responsive desire

   the connection between desire and stress

   the challenge that burnt-out, overwhelmed women have when it comes to responsive desire and

    our thoughts on how women can lay the groundwork for increased desire with self-care and boundary-setting.

It's a good one! 

Free Burnout Checklist:

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Women’s Desire in Midlife with Dr. Lori Brotto

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Let's talk about sex, baby!

Sarah and I interview Dr. Lori Brotto, psychologist, professor, and renowned sexual health researcher about women’s desire in midlife.

This is a discussion you won’t want to miss! Topics include the difference between spontaneous and responsive desire, the impact of midlife hormonal changes on desire, the connection between stress and lowered desire, how to identify your personal “gas pedals v brakes” when it comes to desire, the importance of scheduling intimacy and sex, and the impact of mindfulness on desire. This is a jam-packed episode that will give you a brand-new perspective on desire!

Grab Wendy and Sarah’s free perimenopause/menopause checklist, here:

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Ask the Coach: 5 Ways Mindfulness Helps Prevent Burnout

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A simple practice of mindfulness can go a LONG way to preventing the signs and symptoms of burnout.

In this episode, I explain five proven ways a simple meditation, gratitude &/or mindful breathing practice can help to simplify your life, free up time for self-care and reduce your stress in the process.

Tune in to this short episode for some powerful motivation to start slowing down and incorporating some more mindful moments in your day!

For more tips and strategies, follow me on Instagram or Facebook @wendymccallumcoach. 

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Ask The Coach - 3 Easy Ways to Start Slowing Down

Watch the podcast, above, or listen below.

The #1 key to preventing and recovering from burnout is to slow the f$#% down, but it's also THE hardest thing for most busy, stressed-out women to make happen!

In this week's "Ask The Coach" episode, I provide three easy, practical ways to start slowing down that can add an element of instant calm to an otherwise nutty day (and bring your cortisol down in the process!). 

Tune in to hear about:

1. The 15 minute morning routine that's changed my days.

2. The simple lunch tip that makes a world of difference when it comes to preventing burnout and improving digestion.

3. A life hack for anyone who "just doesn't have time" to fit a short meditation or mindfulness session in their day.

If you're not ready to roll out your mat and meditate for an hour (raises hand ‍), this one's for you!

Listen to this short episode for some simple yet powerful habit shifts! 

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