Enroll anytime and join us on our next group coaching call!

Join us for our next Open House November 21st at Noon ET

This is your chance to meet me, Wendy, (the BBB Founder and Head Coach) and join in a live Office Hours call with some of the current BBB members. Ask me whatever you want about your coaching business and learn more about the BBB.

No strings, no high-pressure sales, I promise. Just an opportunity to learn in a relaxed community space!

P.S. I provide a juicy bonus to those who attend live, so it's worth attending if you've been thinking about joining the BBB!


Sorry, Insta-Wealth Wizards…

Building a Wildly Successful Coaching Business Isn’t Magic.

Want more money, freedom, and impact from your coaching? Get the strategic, hands-on guidance you need to grow a profitable, sustainable business inside...

It's time to...

  • Stop stressing about where your next dollar is coming from, and get practical, proven strategies for growing a money-making coaching business from the ground up.
  • Swap the ‘self-doubt spiral’ for unshakeable confidence, clarity of vision, and courage to build the business you’re dreaming of—because you’ll finally know HOW to make it all happen.
  • Go from cobbling your business strategy together with advice from outdated, generic courses—to getting intimate, in-depth coaching support tailored to YOU and your vision.
  • Create a coaching brand that cuts through the noise, so you can stand out even in saturated markets and build a predictable, profitable flow of ideal clients.
  • Build a business that lights you up and supports your most exciting dreams—from travel, to family time, to life-changing revenue, and beyond. 
“I’ve taken lots of business training as a coach, including Marie Forleo’s B-School and one of Jenna Kutcher’s programs. BBB with Wendy is better than all of them."

It’s more comprehensive, more intimate, and way more valuable to a solo coach looking to build a profitable business they love! No one can replicate the special sauce of coaching, community and content that Wendy offers. BBB fills every single gap that you need to get up and running – it’s SUPER valuable. I credit it for helping me properly price my services, run two successful group coaching programs, launch a podcast and organize my business so that it’s working for me!”
-Christy Osborne, Certified Coach and Author


Leaving behind the ‘safe’ and ‘familiar’ to take a risk on your coaching dreams takes GUTS.

The sheer fact that you’ve hung out your shingle and landed on this page tells me you’ve got:

✔ An intense drive to change your life.

Whether you’re looking to leave corporate behind, travel the world, spend more time with your kiddos, make millions, or something else entirely… You’ve got BIG dreams, and you know coaching is the key.

✔ A burning desire to make a difference.

No run-of-the-mill, boring desk job will do for you. You want meaning. Purpose. Passion. Freedom. A career where you’re exercising your unique genius day after day. A business that lights you tf up.

✔ Years of valuable expertise and experience.

You might be a new coach… but you’re no new kid on the block. You’ve been a powerhouse in past careers—and even though you may feel you’re ‘starting over’, you’ve got HEAPS of talent and genius to bring to the table.

✔ A story that could put some TEDx talks to shame.

Your drive to coach others stems from having created massive transformation in your own life. You BELIEVE wholeheartedly in the power of your work, because you’ve EXPERIENCED it for yourself. You’re ready to develop a clear, magnetic coaching brand, so you can spread your message far and wide.

✔ Courage, determination, and your sights set on success.

You’re ready to set self-doubt, overwhelm, and uncertainty to the side… and step into a way of doing business that brings the profit, stability, and confidence you’ve been craving.

But your first few steps into this new foray?

Let’s just say building a million-dollar business from a beach in Bali isn’t as easy as social media makes it out to be.

✔ You’ve spent boatloads of money (not to mention the late nights and hard work) getting certified...

But contrary to what may have been promised by your program, clients aren’t exactly knocking down the door.

✔ You need to start turning a profit, STAT.

You knew getting your business off the ground would require some upfront investment—but you’re (understandably) a little uneasy about continuing to spend when you’re not seeing regular coaching revenue.

✔ You constantly compare yourself to other coaches in your space.

How are they selling out their programs? What do they know that you don’t? You try not to let 'comparisonitis' weigh you down, but some days, it’s enough to paralyze you entirely.

✔ You feel like you’re spinning your wheels and making zero progress.

Your ‘dream business’ has unravelled into a never-ending to-do list. You’re committed to the vision—but you’re so. freaking. done. with being stuck in overwhelm, burnout, and uncertainty.

✔ You don’t feel like anyone in your circle really ‘gets’ what you’re trying to build.

Your friends and family are supportive…but they don’t see the vision the way you do. You have TONS of big ideas and no one to bounce them off of. You’re craving community, direction, and meaningful connection with others who are walking this same path.

✔ You’re overwhelmed by ALL the conflicting advice out there about how to set your new coaching business up for success.

Should you be filming Reels and TikToks? Running ads? Growing an email list? Launching a scalable group program? Starting a podcast? Argh!  You don’t know where to put your energy, or who to trust.

✔ And yet—you’re up for the challenge.

You’re ready to roll up your sleeves and build the strong business foundation you need to support a highly profitable, scalable, and deeply fulfilling coaching business.

Growing a successful coaching business doesn’t have to be a guessing game.
There is a predictable, profitable path forward—and you don’t need to work 60+ hours a week, build an expensive team, or drop $25k on private mentorship to get there. What DO you need?
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CLARITY on what really counts—so you can stop spinning your wheels and spend your time on high-return activities and start turning a profit, ASAP.
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COACHING from someone who’s done exactly what you hope to do, offers boots-on-the-ground guidance, and can massively accelerate your growth.
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COMMUNITY support from other coaches who will validate your experiences, value your big ideas, and hold you accountable to your vision when the going gets tough

I should know.

From building my own wildly successful coaching business, to mentoring hundreds of humans on this path, I’ve seen firsthand what it really takes to ‘make it’ as a coach.

Hey there, I’m Wendy McCallum.

I help coaches master the ‘business’ of coaching, so you can earn more money doing life-changing work you truly love.

But I defiiiniiiittellyyy didn’t get here overnight!

In fact, when I first left my career as a lawyer (because burnout is a b****) and decided to make a go of coaching…

…I floundered. Big time.

From spending tens of thousands of dollars on expensive advisors and consultants—to spending countless hours on stuff that didn’t matter (hello, cute-but-confusing business name and fancy branding)...

…I learned all the ‘what-NOT-to-dos’ of starting a coaching business firsthand.
It worked out for me in the end. Today, I’m proud to say I…

✔ Earn more than I ever did as a lawyer (because I finally cracked the code on turning a great profit as a coach!)

✔ Serve a thriving community of brilliant, inspiring coaches doing life-changing work in this world.

✔ Am more than 6 years alcohol-free: a separate-but-important win that followed when I decided to take my dreams seriously—and start filling my soul, not my wine glass.

✔ Have built a coaching business that aligns with my desired lifestyle and brings me immense joy.

...And that I’ve helped so many new coaches do the same.

I took the long road so you don’t have to.

The Business Building Bootcamp is about short-cutting your path to success and accelerating your growth—so you can get:

👉 A straightforward, painless path to profit—even if you don’t currently have much of a following or a client base.

👉 Accessible, impactful coaching from someone who’s been where you are and can outline the precise next steps you need to take to reach your goals.

👉 A customizable, tailored-to-you growth strategy—so you can swap cookie-cutter courses for real community, real mentorship, and real results.

THIS is the program I desperately wish I’d had when I was first starting out.

>>> Want practical strategies that get you closer to your revenue goals?

>>> Ready to stop stressing about how you’ll fill your programs, and build a raving audience who can’t wait to buy from you?

>>> Excited to step into the level of success you dreamed of when you first started your certification?

You’re in the right place!


“I’ve grown my business substantially, ran my own retreat, and now I’m writing a book!

I’ve been a member for one year, and I credit Wendy with helping me brave enough to go after the business I really wanted. She knows her stuff, and it’s great learning from someone who already has a successful coaching business.”

Tabbin Almond, Wine to Water Coaching

“Joining has been the BEST decision for my coaching business.

Wendy’s guidance always leaves me feeling ‘lighter.’ She’s provided me with clarity on many different kinds of business challenges.”

Lorna Wilson, Senior Certified Coach

“After completing my certification, I felt like a fish out of water… Now, I’m so much more confident in my ability to grow a successful coaching business.

I finished my certification and got completely overwhelmed. I wasn’t sure what to do next. For 8 months, I tried to start my business—but I didn’t know how and wasn’t confident. 

BBB was just what I needed to move forward. Every coaching call has been outstanding. The tips and tricks are a massive time-saver. And I love that Wendy breaks the coaching groups into small, intimate circles.

As a coach, Wendy is incredibly generous with her time and talents. She cares about you and is genuinely invested in seeing you succeed. 

In BBB, I’ve learned to value what I have to offer…and I know how to make money as a coach!”

Amy Edwards, Certified Coach

What if you could...

…Make More Money?

…Start Changing Clients Lives?

…Create Sustainable, Scalable Coaching Success?

…Not after a few years of trial and error—but right NOW?

It all happens in BBB.

Our results-focused community is where new and up-and-coming coaches come to get unstuck, get a strategic action plan, and get the ball rolling toward your long-term business goals.

Inside, you’ll…

Start where you are and uncover personalized next steps to bring in more profit, pronto—so you can step into your identity as a BUSINESS owner, not a hobby coach.

Get a clear plan to launch and fill that awesome program you’ve been noodling + book a steady stream of dream clients, so you can create a sustainable revenue plan.

Tap into a sales approach that feels natural and easy, instead of stressful and salesy (yes, even if you think you *hate* selling!)

Implement simple systems (using done-for-you templates) that take the stress of running your business and create a top-notch experience for your clients.

Collect amazing client testimonials using my time-tested feedback-gathering formula, so you can stop trying to ‘convince’ people to work with you… and let your results do the talking.

Create a schedule to steadily grow your business week after week—without packing your laptop every time you leave the house, missing your kid’s ballgame, or sacrificing your weekends.

Take charge of your own success and start making the BIG impact you dreamed of when you first considered leaving your day job—with the money to match.

AKA, everything you need to:


❌ Spinning Your Wheels

❌ Spiraling In Self-Doubt

❌ Stressing About $$$


🎉 Confidently Serving Clients

🎉 Filling Your Programs

🎉 Making Consistent Profit

Launching & Growing a Successful Coaching Business Isn’t About ‘Secret Sauces’ or ‘Magic Formulas.’


It’s as Simple & Straightforward as Having Access to the Right Mentorship, Tools, & Strategies—And Knowing Exactly How to Leverage Them to Get Where You Want to Go.

Take a Tour of the BBB with Me

Here's a sneak peek at the amazing content library modules and a little more info on how the program works!

I'm ready to go, sign me up!

BBB is packed with ALL the intel you need to build a profitable, streamlined coaching business that lights. you. up.


Inside, you’ll find…


Real talk: DIY-ing a strategy out of prefab courses can only get you so far. That’s why live, small-group coaching is at the heart of BBB.

Every single week, you’re invited to open Office Hours coaching, where you can:

⭐ Get direct support from me, in an intimate cohort of other coaches. I intentionally keep coaching groups small so you can get the attention and support you need to make SERIOUS progress!

⭐ Have a chance to ask specific questions and get personalized feedback. Coaching sessions are a #NoGatekeepingZone. No question is off-limits. These sessions are designed to keep you clear on the path ahead + consistently moving forward.

⭐ Get replays of other coaching groups’ calls. To keep your experience high-touch, I offer multiple office hours call options to ensure an intimate coaching circle. But with these replays, you’re still welcome to learn from the ENTIRE Business Building Bootcamp community’s experiences and challenges!


Have a question or a challenge between coaching calls? Never fear—you have an easy-to-navigate, in-depth library of coaching business content at your fingertips! LOADED with take-what-you-need style trainings, the Accelerator is a comprehensive, virtual toolbox where you’ll find:

⭐ Straightforward, bingeable videos on hot topics like building your coaching brand, growing your email list, showing up on social media (without losing your mind), streamlining your systems, launching new programs, developing irresistible offers… and SO much more.

⭐ Startup Launch Kit packed with apps, systems, and done-for-you templates to get your business launched and profitable in a fraction of the time.

⭐ Time-Saving Tools & Templates to make every aspect of running your coaching business a breeze. Need help staying organized? Ready to create a luxurious onboarding experience? Want to take back your time with efficiency and productivity tools? You’ve got access to all this and more!

⭐ Masterclass Vault packed with in-depth trainings courtesy of Yours Truly and some of my most brilliant peers and colleagues. Get access to exclusive masterclasses on marketing, storybrand writing, social media, basic bookkeeping, profit-first strategies, and more.


Getting clear on your growth strategy is only step one in building a successful coaching business. If you struggle with implementation, our Monthly Strategic Support Sessions are designed with you in mind! As a BBB member, you’ll have ongoing access to:

⭐ Monthly Copy Class, where you can submit drafts of your marketing or website copy for constructive (and kind!) critique. I’ll recommend key edits and offer suggestions for how you can strengthen your messaging to call in your ideal clients.

⭐ Monthly Tech + Social Media Support Call. Get all your questions answered by our resident social media and business app expert, Christy Osborne of @lovelifesober.


Something crazy powerful happens when coaches join forces in the name of encouragement, accountability, and collaboration. One of the richest parts of the BBB experience is our community membership, where you’ll get private access to:

⭐ Facebook-Free Virtual Coach Community, where you’ll be able to connect directly with your entire BBB community. Forge lasting relationships, find support from others in your same boat, and enjoy being part of a circle of powerhouse visionaries who ‘get it.’

⭐ Q&A Opportunities. Have a question between calls? You’re always welcome to post your questions in the community, so you can crowdsource inspiration, stay unstuck, and easily build momentum in your business.

⭐ Community Book Club, to further your personal and professional development. Throughout the year, we’ll gather occasionally for (totally optional) book club meetings, where we’ll discuss our biggest learnings and takeaways from selected readings.

“BBB saved me so much time and helped me focus on what matters.

There’s a lot to consider when starting a business. It can be overwhelming! I love that BBB is set up as a series of easy-to-follow lessons with practical advice, tools, and templates, that I can refer back to as I grow. I never feel overwhelmed by the density of the content, and I’ve gotten a TON of value from the program.”

Rachel Layton, Certified Coach

“Like a Cliff’s Notes Guide For Starting a Coaching Business.”

I’m a busy corporate professional who’s starting to coach as a side-gig. I didn’t have time to figure out the business on my own. Wendy showed me what’s critical vs. what’s nice to have (or of no value at all). BBB is like having a 1-2-3 setup guide… and I love Wendy’s No-BS coaching approach.”

Amy-Melinda McDonnell, Certified Coach


In a Nutshell? BBB Is Your All-In-One Coaching Business Growth Hub.

With Hands-On Coaching & an Expansive Content Collection, You’ll Master…

Launch Fundamentals

What we'll work on:

✔️ Your business name, domain, and branding

✔️ Contracts, legal pages, and bookkeeping

✔️ How to get started marketing yourself

Building a Successful 1:1 Coaching Practice

What we'll work on:

✔️ How to price your services

✔️ Getting fantastic testimonials

✔️ Onboarding and offboarding clients

Nailing Your Group Coaching Practice

What we'll work on:

✔️ Choosing a type of group coaching program

✔️ Tips & best practices for live group coaching

✔️ Powerful coaching questions

The Art (& Strategy) of Podcasting

What we'll work on:

✔️ How podcasting helps you gain visibility

✔️ How (and when) to start a podcast

✔️ How to get on other podcasts

Course Creation for Coaches

What we'll work on:

✔️ How to create great video content

✔️ When to launch your course

✔️ How to use webinars and challenges

Plus Expert Masterclasses on topics like...

✔️ Managing the finances in your business

✔️ Aligning your offer with your target audience

✔️ Mastering your money mindset

 ✔️ Building an irresistible brand

✔️ Email list growth & newsletter marketing

✔️ Getting paid to speak

✔️ Leveraging partnerships & coaching collabs

✔️ Creating passive coaching income

✔️ How to avoid burnout as your business grows

…and more.

Plus EIGHT more modules to help you launch and grow a coaching business that is sustainable, profitable, and lights you up.

"Start here. Lay your foundation right. Wendy is successful, professional, and knowledgeable in her leadership approach to BBB. Her methods enable her clients to save precious resources and avoid the pitfalls and mistakes that cost time and money. Succeeding as an entrepreneur requires you to be at your best, and BBB's tools and resources help you at every step of your journey."

Suzanne, Certified Coach

“BBB brought immediate clarity and relief to building my business. 

Starting a coaching business can feel very overwhelming. Wendy organizes the content in BBB in such a clear and concise way… BBB has been amazing. I only wish I’d had this before I launched!”

—Susan Joy

With BBB, new coaches have gone from,
“Where do I even begin??” to…

Being fully booked out in as little as one month. 

✨ Signing a book deal with a major publishing house. 

✨ Getting paid to speak on stage. 

✨ Launching successful, brand-building podcasts. 

✨ Creating resonant, inspired content on platforms that used to terrify them

✨ Growing high-scalable group coaching programs.

✨ Raising their rates to reflect the value of their coaching—so they can work less and live more.  

This is all YOURS to claim, too. 

Ready to go from dreaming about making an impact—to actively changing your dream clients’ lives?

Ready to stop stressing about whether your business is profitable, and create a strategic plan to reach your revenue goals with ease?

Ready to stop doubting yourself and build a wildly successful coaching business that lights you up?


12 Months of Practical Support, Strategic Coaching, & Personalized Guidance to Build a Successful, Scalable Coaching Business You Love.

✔ Weekly LIVE Office Hours Coaching With Wendy
✔ BBB Accelerator
✔ Startup Launch Kit
✔ Time-Saving Checklists, Templates, & Cheat Sheets
✔ Expert Masterclass Vault
✔ Monthly LIVE Copy Call
✔ Monthly LIVE Tech & Social Media Support Call
✔ BBB Coach Community Access
✔ Community Book Club
✔ Regular BONUS Trainings, Masterclasses, & Guest Expert Sessions


“BBB is GOLD for a hungry new coach!

When I first heard about BBB, I thought this would be a great way to boost my business after completing my certification… and it has exceeded my expectations!

ALL the pre-recorded modules are fabulous, and having access to Wendy’s Time-Saving Tools & Templates has been so helpful." 

"But BBB is not just the content.

The Office Hours coaching calls and Masterclasses never fail to amaze me… I’m not a native English speaker, and in other groups, I’ve sometimes felt lost or ‘not good enough.’ Thanks to the more intimate group size in BBB, I feel comfortable sharing and asking questions… Like I’m among friends. 

Wendy is an experienced, extraordinary coach. She’s a real role model who just *gets it.* She sees you and knows exactly what you need to move forward in any moment. 

After BBB, I feel confident in my skills as a coach and a business owner. It’s crazy to think that three months ago, I was terrified of even showing up on social media… Now, what used to be stressful and scary is joyful! 

From my marketing strategy to my money mindset, BBB has refuelled me and solidified my belief in my business. I’m charging well for my coaching. My website is launching next week. I’m feeling confident in all the work I’ve done, and I now know how to adjust and evolve as I go.”

—Charlotta Gustavsson, Certified Coach


Is BBB right for you? 

BBB is for ambitious new coaches who are done agonizing over what to do next, tired of spinning their wheels, and ready to start making real money and real impact.

Applicable to a wide range of ‘types’ of coaches, BBB sets you up to build a thriving, profitable coaching business from the ground up, without the uncertainty and trial-and-error of going it alone.

This program is for you if…

➔ You’re a new (or newish) coach who wants hands-on, strategic guidance with setting your business up for long-term success.

➔ You’re fresh out of your certification and looking for guidance on what comes next.

➔ OR…You’ve been building your business for a few months or even years… but it’s not going to plan. You’re ready to buckle down, get strategic, and get the kind of results you know you’re capable of.

➔ You’re ready to start earning a profit with your coaching, ASAP.

➔ You’re practical, determined, and not afraid to put in work upfront to reach the revenue, freedom, and impact you want.

➔ You’re done with the DIY route and ready to shift from piecemealing your business plan to getting personalized guidance and resources.

Ready to start making more coaching income?
Sound Like You? Get started TODAY for as little as $448 when you choose one of these accessible investment options…

1 Year All Access Pass (Best Value!)

$4988 USD

One Payment (Best Value)


1 Year All Access Pass

$1728 USD x 3

Three Payments, 30 days apart (Immediate Full Access)


1 Year All Access Pass

$448 USD x 12

12 Monthly Payments (Immediate full access!)

If you're a Canadian resident, contact me for Canadian pricing.

Join Confidently With My 7-Day Money-Back Guarantee. 

While I'm very confident you'll love BBB, I recognize that BBB is an investment in you… and especially in the early stages of your business, that can be scary! 

I want you to feel 100% confident joining us. That's why I offer a full refund within 7 days of joining BBB if it doesn't meet your expectations.

Take a look around the course and community, dive into a few lessons, and join us for a live Office Hours Call. If it's not for you… just let me know! I’ll refund every cent, no hard feelings. 


If you’ve made it this far… Some part of you deep down knows you’re READY to take the next big step in building your business. 

It’s not lost on me that investing in yourself—especially before your coaching business is turning much of a profit—can be terrifying.

I know where you are, because I’ve been there. I remember the uncertainty. The self-doubt. The fear of failure… of having to admit defeat, to go back to my law career, to tell my husband and my kids that I was wrong.

I’ve been in your shoes. And THIS is the exact program I desperately wish I’d had back then. I craved…

  • A proven process to reach my goals—something that would allow me to stop guessing and start building real momentum.
  • A community of peers who could understand my drive, connect over shared experiences, and cheer each other on.
  • A strategic advisor who’d already been where I wanted to go (and whose rates didn’t resemble a year of law school tuition).

I knew there had to be an easier way… but it was up to me to find it on my own. I didn’t have anyone to help me create efficient systems and shortcuts or to steer me away from time traps and money grabs.

But you can. Time and time again, I’ve heard from BBB members that this program pays for itself in a matter of weeks to months—because I’m giving you tactical, tangible strategies to start making money and impact as a coach, straightaway.

I’ve packed this program with EVERYTHING you could possibly need to get your coaching business off the ground… and if a topic comes up that you need additional support with? As long as it’s within my wheelhouse, I’ll add it!

Plus, with the 7-Day Money-Back Guarantee… there is literally zero risk to giving it a shot.

So, what do you say?

Are you ready to take your coaching dreams seriously and see how far you can go with a rock-solid strategy, a bank of tried-and-tested tools, and an experienced mentor with a proven track record of success?

Take my hand. We’ve got this.

“A MASSIVE shift… I’m so thankful!”

I was feeling stuck in my business. I had done all the ‘basics’ but couldn’t shake that, ‘What now?’ feeling. I had a lot of ideas but clue how to execute them. BBB was the ‘how to’ I was looking for. Wendy’s simple tactics and weekly coaching makes it easy to stay on track and implement. She’s done what you want to do successfully, and her coaching leaves you feeling empowered with practical action items. Through BBB, I got unstuck and gained momentum. I’m relaunching a website that’s more authentic to ME, promoting a new freebie, getting out of my networking comfort zone, and I am preparing to launch a course. That’s a massive shift from where I started!”

Rina Bowring, Certified Coach

“BBB is practical, clear & easily digestible. It’s helped me make sure I stay on track in building my coaching business.

BBB helped me get back to basics, remove the guesswork, and start to strategically lay my business out. Wendy’s shared experiences—her mistakes, do’s, and don’ts—are invaluable. Getting her perspective as an experienced coach and successful business owner is reassuring. The layout of the programme is super user-friendly, and the community is great. I love that we’re all at slightly different stages of launching/running our businesses. It’s helpful to hear what questions come up for other people and learn from each other.”

Susan Hodgson, Certified Coach

Here's everything else you might need to know...
Still have questions? Let's chat.
Set Up A Free Call
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"Wendy is a no-nonsense seasoned coach & businesswoman. She helped me get into action by offering the practical steps and mindset shifts required to set me up for success as a coach.
I feel more confident in my packages, my approach, my prices, and myself as a successful entrepreneur. 
Wendy is extremely generous with her know-how. Get your business started off on the right foot! Her coaching will get you there a lot quicker than fumbling around by yourself (ask me how I know...)"

Susan Larkin, Certified TNM Coach

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"The content library in the BBB alone is worth the price of admission!
But the access to Wendy’s expertise, other coaches, and the expert business-focused and practical masterclasses is pure GOLD!
The BBB is exactly what all solo coaches need. No matter where they are stuck, there’s a video or template for that!”

Karen King, Certified TNM Coach

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"I LOVE the templates and checklists, so helpful when you have a million ideas but don't know where to start. Getting started on writing out the contract would have normally stopped me from moving forward - but with Wendy's help I was able to sign my first 1:1 client last week!"

Stephanie Brislin, Certified TNM Coach

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"Everything about the BBB program was so helpful and exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for being a leader and sharing what you've learned so it isn't so hard for beginning coaches. And thanks for saying this is hard and reminding us to not give up!'

Anne Shubert, Certified TNM Coach

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"When I finally decided that coaching was the career path for me I was SO excited but also overwhelmed! I didn’t know where to start. Working with Wendy was the best business decision I have made. Not only did she guide me with the proper steps and tools needed to start a coaching business, but she also kept me accountable. I have saved so much time, money, and frustration by working with Wendy."

Aly B., Certified TNM Coach

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"Another vote for Wendy's awesome BBB...perfect way to work up to the more complicated business, marketing, or coaching ideas you might be tossing around! I've owned my own small biz for 20+ years but not a coaching biz and Wendy & BBB is perfect for putting coaching-specific business strategies into place.”

Carol Ray, TNM Certified Coach

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"I felt like I needed more guidance with my business as this was all very new to me and I found myself getting stuck in the weeds with all the advice and possible avenues. The BBB program and Wendy's coaching has really helped give me the direction (and accountability) that I need to get some momentum. If you're just starting out and feeling overwhelmed, I highly recommend taking advantage of this program!”

Jenny Jones, TNM Certified Coach

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"Wendy is highly professional, accomplished, and a top earner in her field. With BBB, she is not only taking you behind the curtain so to speak to see how it is all done from naming your business and creating a website to booking and running client sessions, but she's literally even giving you customizable templates for client agreements and worksheets."

Martha Wright, Senior Certified TNM Coach

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"Joining Wendy’s BBB was exactly what I needed to feel like I could get my head above water in starting my business. The information provided is incredibly useful and practical. Why reinvent the wheel when someone’s already done it for you? She’s removed a lot of the overwhelm while offering such tried and tested information. I've done more for my business in the past 3 months than the last year."

Raquel Reid, Certified TNM Coach

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"I really enjoyed my time in the BBB program. The content and coaching are exactly what a new coach, or any coach looking to boost their business, needs!"

Tessie Ann, Certified TNM Coach