Wendy (00:01.496)
Hi, coach. Welcome back to The Coaching Edge. I'm your host, Wendy McCallum. I'm really excited about today's episode. We are nearing the end of December and we are gonna be talking about how to make next year your best coaching business year yet. And I have a series of strategies and questions and things for you to be thinking about in these last weeks, days and weeks before the new year starts to help you really put in place a really solid
plan for yourself for next year that feels great to you. So we're be talking about those things in this episode. But before we get into that, I want to invite you personally to the next open house for the BBB, which is my business building bootcamp for coaches. The open house takes place on January 23rd at 11 a.m. Eastern. And you can register through the link that I will put in the show notes, but you can also find at wendymcallum.com forward slash BBB. Again, the open house is on January 23rd. There is always an open house.
coming up. if you're listening to this episode and it's you you're late to the party and the 23rd is already past, just go and check out that link and you will see the details on when the next open house is happening. But if you're listening to this as it is coming out at the end of December 2024, the next open house is January 23rd, 2025 at 11 a.m. Eastern and I would absolutely love to see you there. You're get a chance not only to meet me in person
virtually of course, it all happens on Zoom, but meet me and for me to get a chance to know a little bit about you and your business, but also a chance to experience office hours, live office hours in the BBB for yourself. So that is the coaching call that happens every week in the BBB. There are actually two different time slots you can choose from. And in office hours,
coaches come and they bring whatever thing they're struggling with that week, whether it's a specific strategy thing, it's a technology question, or maybe it's a belief or a mindset that they know is not serving them and is keeping them stuck in their business. But they bring that to office hours and they get coaching from me on that. And they also get to crowdsource the community of really phenomenal.
Wendy (02:09.636)
coaches that we have in the BBB and ask them for their experience in this particular area and what they would suggest and what's worked for them. So the BBB, if you don't know anything about it, you can go and get all the details again. put the link in the show notes, but at wendymcallum.com forward slash BBB, that's where you can sign up for the open house and also get all the info on what the BBB is all about. It is a combination of an absolutely fantastic and comprehensive content library for coaches that takes you all the way from
what you need to have in place, like the very basic things that you must have in place in your business before you hang out a shingle and start charging money for your coaching to, you know, some of the super cool things that you might decide to do down the road once you've got, you know, some coaching reps under your belt and you're starting to get excited about growing and scaling your business. Things like partnering with other coaches, creating an online course, launching a group membership program, starting a podcast. We cover all of those topics and so many more in the content library. And that is a combination of short videos from me
and that are sort of instructional how-to videos and then also templates and tools that you can actually take and rebrand as your own and use as cheat sheets and guides as you're setting up these other pieces of your business. There's also, like I said, a live call schedule. Not only do we have those office hours calls every week, but we also have a master class every month and what we call a copy call where I give you some kind of feedback on copy that you might be developing for marketing purposes.
And then we also have a tech and socials call most months where you can ask like all of the questions that feel really dumb when you're a small business owner and you're trying to actually make things work on your website or on social media or in any of the apps that you might be using to help you build your business. You get to ask those questions there. So it's a combination of live calls and coaching support, a really comprehensive content library that you get unlimited access to in your time in the BBB.
and also this really cool community of coaches that you can crowdsource from and get support from. So if you're interested in 2025 in taking your business to the next level, and if as I go through all of the things in this episode about what you can do to set yourself up for your best coaching business year yet next year, and you're thinking to yourself, I think I can do that, but boy, that would be a whole lot easier if I had some expert support and also some community around me as I did this to keep me motivated and going and feeling
Wendy (04:33.932)
I'm supported and like I'm not alone in this. Please come to the open house on January 23rd. I'd absolutely love to meet you there. I'm also gonna be offering like I always do a really cool bonus for people who come to the open house live. I always do that. It's always very valuable and often involves for example, one-on-one time with me in addition to your one year membership in the BBB. So that's the first thing I wanted to say.
Now we're going to talk about some of the ways that you can make 2025 your best coaching year yet. These are all things to take away, digest a little bit. You you might want to get out a notepad if you're sitting somewhere listening to this podcast and just write down a few of these suggestions or come back to this episode if you're out for a walk into the show notes and make some notes about some of the steps that you can take to set yourself up for a really successful year next year. The first thing I want to really acknowledge is that running a business
is really hard. I talk about this a lot. In fact, this is the whole point of the Coaching Edge podcast is to acknowledge the fact that solopreneurship as a coach is a tough, lonely business a lot of the time, and it doesn't need to feel that way. And there are ways to get the answers and support and the community that you need. you know, if you're feeling like at the end of this year, burnt out, exhausted, less than excited about the year to come and worried, maybe anxious about like, where is the money gonna come from?
You are not alone. Keep listening to this episode. I'm gonna give you some really tangible strategies that you can take away and use to change that next year. It's always this like balance in small business between, know, excitement and energy and like creation. We're creating new offers and we're creating new marketing strategies and we're getting ready to launch something. And then just like total overwhelm, you know?
And with that often comes this roller coaster when it comes to revenue, this feeling of like, my revenue is like much bigger than I thought it was gonna be this month. And then next month, like nobody's signing up, what's happening in the sort of feast or famine mentality. My goal as a coach and my goal with the BBB program that I run for coaches is to help coaches get off of that roller coaster and get to a place where they have some really reliable systems in place that help them to create consistent revenue on a monthly basis so that they can get out of that hustle mentality all the time.
Wendy (06:54.35)
They can avoid burnout and they can create a profitable, sustainable business. Okay, so the first thing we're gonna talk about that is a critical piece of making next year your best coaching year yet is goal setting and planning for your business year, which a lot of coaches don't do. Now, the good news is I don't have to talk a lot about this on this podcast episode because I just created an incredibly valuable new free masterclass and digital workbook for you.
on this exact topic. And so I'm going to encourage you, if you have not yet, you didn't come to the Masterclass live, or if you haven't accessed the freebie yet, go and grab it at wendymcallum.com forward slash two, that's the numeral two, xprofit. And again, I will put this note, this link in the show notes for you as well. But the Two Times Profit Masterclass and Workbook is designed to help you do exactly what I'm gonna encourage you to do now, which is set some very clear
both revenue-based goals and feeling-based goals, and we're gonna talk about that in a second, around your business for next year, and then put a very defined roadmap in place to help you achieve those goals for next year. So I'll talk about it in kind of a bigger picture sense here, but what I really encourage you to do is to go download that completely free masterclass and workbook. The workbook is amazing. It's got like calculations in it, and it helps you to work through the...
the exact process that I have used year over year now to create the profitable business that I have and to grow my business every year. Okay, so the first thing you wanna do when it comes to goal setting is just have a think like what worked really well for me last year? What am I proud of? What felt easy to me? What felt really forced and hard? Like where is the learning in last year for me and where are the opportunities for growth and for...
making things a little more streamlined, a little more structured, a little more automated, a little more easy for me next year. So have a think about that. And again, the workbook provides you with space for reflections and asks you really specific questions to help you do a really valuable reflections exercise from last year. You're also gonna review your key metrics. You're gonna review what your revenue was last year.
Wendy (09:13.134)
how you did in terms of client growth last year. Did your client roster grow if you're doing one-on-one coaching? What was the enrollment in your programs if you offer group programs? And then you're look at how much time you spent on your business and maybe most importantly, how it felt for you last year to be in business. How did it feel? Was it exhausting and overwhelming or was it energizing and exciting and spacious? Okay, so you're gonna do those reflections. And then what we're gonna do is we're gonna set
Two goals for next year, just two guys. We can set a million goals. Everybody loves to set a goal, but the more goals we set, the harder it is for us to achieve them all. I really want you to focus on two things for 2025. I want you to set a goal. Firstly, based on how you wanna feel. So again, you can look at the answer to that question around how you felt last year in your business and you can build on that. So it might be that if last year was a really tough year for you in business, you actually wanna feel the opposite of how you felt last year, right?
Or it might be that you just learned some things last year and you have some really specific feeling based goals around those. I love a feeling based goal because a feeling based goal is achievable through a variety of paths. Like there's more than one way to get to a feeling. We're going to talk about revenue based goals in a second. Those are, you know, yes, there are different paths to profit, but there's only one way to succeed with a revenue based goal and that's to hit it. You know, it's to actually achieve that specific number with a feeling based goal.
There are many different ways to get there. And it's something that you can keep your eye on over the course of the year and you can tweak your system and plan accordingly to ensure that you are feeling the way you wanna feel in your business and moving towards that goal. So for example, for me last year, what I learned is that I have a lot of really great pieces in place in my business. But what I was starting to feel
really kind of overwhelmed by was the amount of stuff in one particular area of my business that I was doing myself. And so my goal for next year is to feel more ease in that area of my business. And my strategy for doing that is to hire more help in that area. And I have already started with that, just hired a really tremendous new VA who is helping me do all the things. And I've got somebody on board to help me with some copy stuff. So.
Wendy (11:34.082)
That is my goal for next year is ease in my business. So I've got the model in place, I'm generating the revenue, I have the systems in place. Now I wanna bring people in to help me with those systems so this all feels more automated and I can take a more hands-off approach to a lot of the admin pieces of my business. So figure out what it is that you want in terms of how you wanna feel next year and write that down. So we're gonna do a feeling-based goal first. The second goal is a revenue-based goal. Now again,
The Two Times Your Profit Masterclass and Workbook help you work through your gross income goal on an annual basis and a monthly basis, and then also do the reverse engineering to get to your, you know, make sure that you've got like a good net goal in place. You know, how much you need to have in your pocket at the end of every month, but then also how much it's gonna cost you to make that amount of money, which will get you to your gross target number for the month. We're also gonna talk about in that.
masterclass, how much you want to work, which is another big piece of this. How many hours do you want to be putting in? And we'll also be getting you to look at some of the other pieces that we're going to talk about in a second, including the pricing of your offers. But what you need to do is you need to set a revenue target. And I am going to encourage you not to play safe with this because what I have learned from my own experience and all the experience I have supporting coaches in their businesses, as well as from all the research that I've read, is that if you set a goal,
you're three times more likely to achieve it, which is not really rocket science. I think that makes sense to us. If you haven't set a goal, how on earth are you going to achieve it? You need to know with specificity what the goal is, and then you need to create a plan to get yourself there. The more you challenge yourself, the more money you're gonna make. And the more you push yourself when it comes to goal setting, the more money you're gonna make. So every year I set a goal and then I look at it and I ask myself if I'm playing small, what I'm afraid of and...
Then I ask myself if I was to push past that fear, what would be possible for me? And what's the worst case scenario if I don't achieve the thing that I'm setting out to achieve? And that usually helps me to push my target up just a little bit more. In my personal experience, every year that I have set a goal this way and I have pushed myself a little bit on the goal, I have not only met that goal, I have exceeded it. So it's working for me from a business perspective. So don't play too small here.
Wendy (13:51.278)
What is the worst case scenario if you don't reach that target at the end of the year? Probably, if you're being honest with yourself, that you're a little bit disappointed, but it provides you with the learning and the space to actually tweak your system and do things differently next year. You're gonna learn so much from that experience. Okay, so you're gonna set a really specific revenue goal for next year. Obviously, to do that properly, you're gonna need to work through things like your expenses and your taxes and all of that, and that is all set out in that.
free workbook that goes with that free masterclass I was talking about. So go and grab that and do that. And then you're gonna check and see like, are these goals that I have made for myself, the revenue goals and the plan that I'm mapping out to get myself there by using the workbook, does this actually feel like it's an alignment with that feeling based goal? Like, we on, am I on the same page with these two goals? Or does it feel like, wow, this is gonna be so much work and I'm not gonna have a moment to breathe.
If that's the case and my goal was to feel like more ease in my business, well then something's off here and I need to go back and rework this. And I'm gonna encourage you not to immediately go to the revenue target and decrease that. Because there are always ways to create profit without more hours, which is really what that masterclass is focused on. So.
You're gonna set those two goals, a feeling-based goal and a very specific revenue-based goal and then you're gonna work through your plan, breaking it down, reverse engineering it into quarters, which again, we talk about in the masterclass in the workbook, and you're gonna create some really specific goals on a quarterly basis. You're gonna map out your different offers. You're gonna play around with the numbers on those and the pricing on those and that's gonna help you figure out the different potential paths to profit every month to reach your net.
or your gross revenue goals for the month. And then you're gonna decide on a launch schedule for the various offers that you have. Now, if you're just starting out, your only offer might be one-on-one coaching and that's cool. But I'm gonna encourage you as I go on here to think about your offer suite and to make a commitment to broadening your offer suite this next year, no matter where you are with it, no matter how many different offers you have to adding something new to your offer suite next year. Okay.
Wendy (16:07.684)
So you're gonna break your goals into those milestones. And then what I really wanna encourage you to do, and I talk a lot about this in the masterclass, is I wanna encourage you to be stubborn with your goals. So be stubborn with that revenue goal. Be very committed to that and be stubborn with the feeling-based goal. Under no circumstances do I wanna feel this way. And if I notice that I'm feeling in a different way than I wanna feel, I'm going to immediately correct my course. And I'm gonna look hard at that and try to figure out why I'm feeling that way.
change things to set myself up for more success. You're be stubborn with those goals, but flexible in your methods. Be flexible in your methods. Recognize that small business is an experiment. All business is an experiment. And so you can't possibly know how all of these things are gonna go. The whole point of this is to try things and learn from those things and then tweak accordingly. Do things differently going forward after you gather that data and that information from whatever the...
experiment was that you carried out in your business, whether that's a new product that you're trying to launch, or it's a new website that you've created, or it's a podcast that you're starting, right? Okay, so the first part that I want you to really spend some time on between now and January 1st, and if you're tuning into this in January, that's okay, do this exercise then. You just wanna make sure you do this at the early part or before even your next business year starts, and you wanna be doing this every year.
The second part, the first part of this is the goal setting and making the plan. The second part of this is taking a look at your offer suite. And I haven't spent a lot of time talking about this on this podcast, but I think it's an important thing for us to think about going into the next business year if your goals are to increase your revenue, which for most of us, that's at least part of our goal. A tiered offer suite is a game changer. Most coaches start off and they're doing one-on-one coaching and they have one
or two one-on-one offers. might be you have a six session price and you have a 12 session price, for example. Most coaches are only selling their time in the early days. As you go forward and you build your coaching reps and you start to get a really clear sense of who you love to work with, what problems you're solving, helping clients solve the most, what your special sauce is as a coach, where you really excel, you're probably going to want to start thinking about other offers that you can add to your suite because
Wendy (18:30.478)
you can only coach one-on-one so many hours a week. At some point, you kind of cap yourself, right? You can obviously play around with your pricing, which we'll talk about in a bit, but there's only so much that you can accomplish with a completely one-on-one practice. And so you wanna start asking yourself, is there something I can do to scale here? Like, could I create a group program offer, for example, where I am serving more people in an hour than I am in one-on-one coaching and I'm able to make more money on an hourly basis?
The other thing you probably want to be thinking about if you haven't done it yet is what kind of free or low ticket offers do I have, right? Do I have something that's really incredibly valuable and attractive to my dream client that they're not going to be able to resist signing up for? Whether that's a $49 offer or it's a free offer, something that is low ticket, kind of low hanging fruit.
but super valuable and super attractive for people. If you don't have that, that's another piece of a balanced offer suite that you're gonna wanna think of. In a perfect world, and this does not have to happen in the first couple of years of business, you can take your time and develop this. You're gonna wanna have a free offer or a very low ticket offer or both. You're gonna wanna have kind of a medium, mid-tier offer. And your mid-tier offer might be like your signature one-on-one coaching program or maybe a group program as well.
And then you're gonna wanna have a high tier offer and that high tier offer is going to be, it might be a mastermind, it might be a VIP package. It might be a high ticket retreat that you offer, but something that is a higher priced offering. your free or low tier offers might be things like workshops, master classes, eBooks, workbooks, those types of things that you give away or like a mini course.
Your mid tier is going to be bigger courses, group coached offers, and maybe your one-on-one coaching programs. And then your higher tier offers again could be like higher ticket one-on-one or VIP coaching or just any other higher investment program or offer that you can make. And that allows you then to really diversify your revenue streams so that you get to a place where you get these systems set up in each of these areas. And again,
Wendy (20:47.35)
my BBB, it's designed to help you do this over time, to create these reliable revenue streams, to create structure around launches. So you can say, well, three times a year, I launched this group program and I can reasonably expect to enroll this many people through this particular sales cycle that I have set up. And that will lead to this much revenue from that program. And, you know, on a monthly basis, I regularly enroll two to four new one-on-one clients, for example.
So you want to have, if you have all of these offers in place, you know that, you your self-guided course sales generally on a monthly basis are netting you, you know, a couple thousand dollars. Your one-on-one coaching every month is netting you, you know, $5,000 and your group coaching program is netting you on average, you know, another $5,000, for example. So you can rely on about $12,000 gross income every single month, right? So again.
The offer suite, if you don't have it yet, if you're listening to this and you're thinking, I just have the one-on-one coaching right now, that's okay. Let's think about how we can broaden it. Could you next year, if you don't already have it, I'd start probably with a freebie or the low ticket offer because that's the key to really building an audience and a following and warming people up, getting people to like, know, and trust you. You want to get in front of them. I was in a sales training this fall where the coach was leading it. He's kind of a master at sales.
for small service providers and coaches and consultants was saying that the research suggests now that we need to get in front of people for seven hours before they're going to be willing to part with like even, you know, kind of the money that might be involved in a medium or mid tier offer, right? People are not buying direct from webpages anymore. People are not making spontaneous purchases like they were before. They now want to really feel confident that the value is gonna be there when they purchase something.
And so they're gonna wanna spend time with you. Well, how do you get people to spend time with you? I've said this again and again on this podcast. You provide them with really valuable content, preferably live or in a video format so that they can actually see you and hear you. And if it's live, interact with you. That's how you're gonna build like no trust the fastest. So if you don't have a low ticket or a free offer yet, that's where I'd start.
Wendy (23:09.252)
because that's the way that you're going to be able to pull people in, get more people on your newsletter list, and warm people up for the mid-tier and the high-ticket offers. If you've already got a low-ticket offer and a free and or a free offer in place and a mid-tier offer, then you can maybe start thinking about, what's the high ticket? Like, what could I offer that's kind of a VIP special thing? Now, know this, most people are going to buy your mid-tier.
but some people are looking for more. And oftentimes it's the people that you have nurtured through this kind of customer journey. They've come in through the freebie and then they purchased the lower ticket, you know, masterclass and the mini course that you offered. And then they, maybe they did some group coaching with you. And then eventually they signed up for some one-on-one sessions because they wanted to, you know, go deeper with things. Those are the people who are the likely going to be looking for the next thing you have to offer. And that could be, for example,
a retreat, right? Or some kind of really special VIP day that is a higher ticket offer. So have a think about it. What does my offer suite look like? Is it broad or is it really narrow? Can I be adding something next year? And if so, start brainstorming that. And if you wanna create an online course or a group coach program and you need support in that, that is a...
complicated process, but you can absolutely do it yourself. I'd really encourage you to think about joining me in the next CCC, which is my coaching course creator program. Send me a note and ask me when the next one is starting and we can chat about it. It's an eight week group coach program where I take people through the process of like going from a big idea around a group or online course to an actual completed launchable product. Okay.
So the offer suite is the second piece. And the last thing I want you to think about, and this is actually really important. And listen, this podcast could be three hours long, because there's so many things that you can do in this process of planning for next year, but I just want to talk about three things today. And maybe I'll even do a second part to this podcast where I talk about some other things. the other thing that I want you to think about, and this goes back to how you want to feel in your business. So that first goal that you set is really like how are you going to manage your time next year?
Wendy (25:23.204)
which usually is directly connected to how you're gonna feel. So take a look at last year. Identify what were the energy gains in running a small business for you? What were the pieces of your business? Just make two lists here. What were the things that really lit you up, made you feel amazing, that you got the most out of and it just felt really, really resonant and like you were doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing when you were doing them?
So what were the parts of your business that lit you up and energized you and which are the pieces of your business that feel like energy drains to you and make those two lists? And then take a look at that, you know, and ask yourself how much time you're spending in each of those two columns. Like, are you spending more time doing the energy drain stuff or the energy gain stuff? And then ask yourself, how can I shift that next year? Are there things on the energy drains list that maybe aren't even that important, right? Maybe I could be focusing my efforts.
elsewhere because you can't do all of the things as a small business owner and we all have to pick and choose. So maybe it's like, you know what, I freaking hate TikTok. It's not my thing. Or Instagram just feels like a grind to me. Maybe it's time to think about whether Instagram is your marketing platform. Maybe there's something else you could be doing. Maybe you love to write. You can start a sub stack. Or maybe you're really good live and you wanna start doing
live events as a marketing thing for your business and you know, just offering those out to your newsletter list, for example, instead of focusing on social media. I don't know, but have a look at it and ask yourself on this list of drains, where are the places I'm spending time that maybe I don't need to be spending time, that maybe they're just, they can just be deleted from my list. I can just focus my efforts elsewhere or, or maybe I can delegate. Could I hire somebody to help me with that? And what would that look like?
And don't just look at the cost of hiring someone on an hourly basis. Look at what the value of getting that time back is for you, right? So if I can hire a VA to help me at $75 an hour and I charge, you know, on average, 250 to $300 an hour for my time one-on-one, it makes so much sense for me to hire that VA because I'm still making a huge profit on those hours, even if I'm having to pay her out, right? Those hours of me.
Wendy (27:45.272)
doing the type of work that I love to do that lights me up, that is an energy gain for me as opposed to an energy drain. And then I'm also getting the other work done. I'm just paying somebody to do it. So you can have a look at that. Maybe this is the year where you finally hire some help. You hire some help around social media content. You'll hire some help around admin tasks in your business, client management, or maybe doing some website stuff for you that normally is taking up a lot of your time. And then the other thing you can start looking at is like,
do I have a good strategy for how I use my time on a daily basis? Here are a couple of things I do that are lifesavers for me as a small business owner. First of all, I have a very strict schedule in terms of the days that I work. So I used to do the thing that most new coaches do, which is I was like thinking about my business 24 seven, and basically whenever the mood struck me, I would work, which meant I was working all the time because I really loved the business building side of things, even though was really hard.
and frustrating, I loved it. I loved the challenge of it. And so I would find myself working on the weekends and working at night. In the last like six years or so, I've completely changed that because that is a recipe for burnout guys, please don't do that. I have in the last few years, committed to only seeing clients certain days of the week. So Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays are my client days and I'm very, very strict. I protect that very strictly. Mondays and Fridays are flex days for me.
Sometimes I work, so for example, it's a Monday today and I'm recording this episode. Sometimes I don't work on Mondays and I love that. Same thing with Fridays. So those are days where I do not schedule clients. Sometimes I schedule meetings if I have meetings with, example, my copywriter or meetings with my VA or again, I need to record podcast episodes or I need to create some other content. But a lot of the time, those days are lighter days for me and I absolutely love that. That works for me, it might not work for you.
I also have very strict hours that I work. So I do not start working before a certain time in the morning, which allows me to get to the gym every day before work. So I just have carved that time out. There's no excuse now not to do that. I also group projects and tasks together. So for example, this morning I'll probably record two or three podcast episodes in a row because I have a block of time set aside. And I find that to be very helpful just to get it all done. If I record two or three episodes,
Wendy (30:09.378)
that gives me a month's worth of podcast content, and I don't have to think about it again for 30 days, right? So can you do some blocking of your time and for example, batch create social media posts, batch create podcast episodes, or batch record course content? Something to think about. How could you set your schedule up to allow for a window of time every week to do that, to do some kind of batching and...
content creation. The other thing I wanna talk about is, and this is the other strategy that I think is kind of key for me is bottom loading your day. So let me tell you what this means. It just means doing the hard stuff first. And it is such a good rule of business. If you're not doing this yet, try it in 2025. You could almost make it your mantra, hard stuff first. I do the hard stuff at the beginning of the day. It is the morning and I am recording podcasts because I need to be focused for podcasts.
I always record them in the morning. I almost never do them at the end of the day unless there's a guest who's in a different time zone and that's the only way to make it work. That's because it's a hard thing for me and I do it better in the morning when I have energy and willpower. I'm much less likely to put it off if it's on my schedule for the morning. Same thing with some of the other tasks. Like for whatever reason, I still resist, you know, gathering up the stuff for my bookkeeper.
It's just a tedious thing to go get my bank statements and download them and organize them in a Google folder for her. And so that's something that always goes on the list for the morning because it's a task I resist and it requires some willpower for me to do it. Willpower, as most of you probably know, is a finite resource. We don't have unlimited amounts of willpower. And it's like you have a bank account of willpower and that bank account refills overnight while you're sleeping. When you wake up in the morning, you have the most willpower you will have all day. As you go through the day, you use your willpower to make good decisions and it decreases.
So by the end of the day, you don't have a lot left. So if you're leaving the hard tasks to the end of the business day, chances are you're not going to have the willpower and focus to actually do them and do them well. So bottom loading your day, hard stuff first is another time management strategy that has served me incredibly well in business. And I just wanted to mention that to you. The last thing is, and I kind of touched on this, how do I actually schedule time to not be working? So.
Wendy (32:30.724)
How, know, am I doing a good job of that? How did last year feel to me? And what would be different for me if I either shorten my work days, if I only saw clients on certain days, or if I took a day off every week or an afternoon off every week, how might that shift for me? And how can I make that happen next year if that feels better to me? So scheduling downtime is a critical piece of being a small business owner. Otherwise you will just work nonstop and you will burn yourself out. Okay.
Those are the three things I want you to think about. I want you to do the goal setting and business planning, that roadmap to profit. I want you to do that exercise. And the way you're gonna do that is you're gonna go grab the freebie masterclass and workshop at wendymcallum.com forward slash to X profit. That's the numeral to X profit. I'll put that in the show notes. You're gonna work through all of that. You're gonna come up with a really clear roadmap, including sales cycles and launch the launch plan for your offers.
for next year. The next thing you're gonna do is you're gonna think about your offer suite and that really is part of that planning to be honest. Is there something new that you're gonna create for next year? What is that gonna be? Where's the gap in your offer suite? And how can you plug that into your roadmap next year? When will you launch that? How will you get that out to people and sell that thing if it is not a free product? And then lastly, your time. How do you want to organize your time differently next year?
could you shift, what new things could you try to create more structure in your day so that you're more efficient, but also so that you have more scheduled downtime so that you can rely on the fact that you're actually gonna have some balance in your life next year and so that you don't burn out as a solopreneur. All right, that's a lot for one session. Again, check the show notes to get the outline of this.
podcast episode if you were not able to take notes. again, I think that that master, the free master class is gonna take you through most of this anyway. So it's gonna really help you get through, go through this in a really systematic way. And I hope you really enjoy that class. Lastly, one more invite. If you are really excited about next year, but also kind of afraid of how you're gonna do it all on your own, you don't need to do it by yourself.
Wendy (34:52.856)
That's exactly what my business building bootcamp is all about. We are such a great group. You will love the vibe in the community. It is my favorite thing to coach. We talk about everything in there. It is such a supportive community and we have such a breadth of experience now with the coaches in that group that I know you're gonna find that you can get the answers either from me or from other members of the community.
to all of the things that are keeping you stuck right now as a business owner and also that camaraderie that is just so valuable as a small business owner. It can feel so lonely to be out there doing this all on your own, but you don't need to be alone and we would love to have you in our coaching community in the BBB. So sign up for the open house please January 23rd, 11 Eastern through the note in the link in the show notes or at wendymichellum.com forward slash BBB. I would absolutely love to meet you.
and have you in the community next year. All right, guys, happy new year. I will be back in January. Have a wonderful rest of the holiday season.