Finding Freedom

A 6-month drink less group program for women with Certified Coaches Wendy McCallum and Christy Osborne.

Does this sound familiar?

The longest part of the day is the hours before dinner when your kids are as exhausted and hungry as you are. You’re all tired but it’s not bedtime for hours. This is the moment you start thinking about your first glass of wine.

Maybe it starts as a generous pour of shiraz while you prepare dinner. Maybe it’s a splash of rosé before the homework fights begin. Or a glass of chardonnay after the last carpool run. Whenever you pour it, it’s your reward, and your way through. It’s the duct tape that’s holding these hours together. It’s what gets you to bedtime.

the slippery slope...

At some point, you realize you’re pouring it earlier, and refilling it sooner. That you’re cutting story time short to make yourself another. You pick a stupid fight with your husband about his haircut that’s really about your own neglected roots. You fall asleep on the couch and can’t remember how the episode ended. You wake up foggy and groggy, with mascara on your pillow, a low-grade headache, and an undercurrent of deep regret. You resent the Friday night commitment that requires you to drive because now you have to wait to pour that first glass. This thing that once made you feel so fancy and free has got you by its claws.

the anxiety...

Eventually, you start waking at 3 a.m. and replaying the events of the evening. Did you stop at two glasses or was it three? Did you put the bottle in the recycling bin, or will they see it on the counter? Why did you drink again when you told yourself you wouldn’t? Some nights, when you can’t go back to sleep, you creep downstairs, open your laptop, and Google: “Am I an alcoholic?”

But you’re not an alcoholic – and you’re functioning just fine – so you come up with a plan to drink a little less.

the "rules"

You’re very good at making rules. First, you decide you’ll only drink on the weekends (but then a long weekend comes along and adds Thursday night to the deal, and before you know it Wednesday is also in the mix.) Then you vow to only have two glasses (but let’s face it, those glasses are huge, and your pours just get bigger and bigger.) You commit to only drinking after six p.m., but then life gets “lifey”, and you crack at five. 

the vicious cycle

For years you've been stuck in that cycle of rule-making, rule-breaking, and the inevitable guilt that follows. 

You “like” and share the “Rosé All Day” and “I Wine Because You Whine” memes without thinking twice. After all, if it’s funny, and everyone else is doing it, it can’t be a problem, right? You watch your girlfriends carefully when you’re out. Sometimes they drink more than you, and that makes you feel just a smidge better.

Nevertheless, a little voice (that even the wine won’t silence) has been quietly gathering strength and it’s telling you the drinking is no longer serving you.

But you can't imagine life without it

But this is your reward, the thing that makes it all tolerable, so how can you possibly enjoy life without it? Even so, you start to pay attention. You read about the science of alcohol and realize that it actually worsens anxiety and creates more stress in your life. You learn it’s a Type-1 carcinogen linked to breast cancer and colon cancer and you can’t unring that bell, no matter how hard you try. And now this new knowledge is also running through your head like a derby racehorse at 3 a.m. 

And this keeps going until you can’t.

And you find yourself HERE.

I know because I've been there.

And I'm really glad you found me.

You're in EXACTLY the right place.

Does this sound familiar?

The longest part of the day is the hours before dinner when your kids are as exhausted and hungry as you are. You’re all tired but it’s not bedtime for hours. This is the moment you start thinking about your first glass of wine.

Maybe it starts as a generous pour of shiraz while you prepare dinner. Maybe it’s a splash of rosé before the homework fights begin. Or a glass of chardonnay after the last carpool run. Whenever you pour it, it’s your reward, and your way through. It’s the duct tape that’s holding these hours together. It’s what gets you to bedtime.

the slippery slope...

At some point, you realize you’re pouring it earlier, and refilling it sooner. That you’re cutting story time short to make yourself another. You pick a stupid fight with your husband about his haircut that’s really about your own neglected roots. You fall asleep on the couch and can’t remember how the episode ended. You wake up foggy and groggy, with mascara on your pillow, a low-grade headache, and an undercurrent of deep regret. You resent the Friday night commitment that requires you to drive because now you have to wait to pour that first glass. This thing that once made you feel so fancy and free has got you by its claws.

the anxiety...

Eventually, you start waking at 3 a.m. and replaying the events of the evening. Did you stop at two glasses or was it three? Did you put the bottle in the recycling bin, or will they see it on the counter? Why did you drink again when you told yourself you wouldn’t? Some nights, when you can’t go back to sleep, you creep downstairs, open your laptop, and Google: “Am I an alcoholic?”

But you’re not an alcoholic – and you’re functioning just fine – so you come up with a plan to drink a little less.

the "rules"

You’re very good at making rules. First, you decide you’ll only drink on the weekends (but then a long weekend comes along and adds Thursday night to the deal, and before you know it Wednesday is also in the mix.) Then you vow to only have two glasses (but let’s face it, those glasses are huge, and your pours just get bigger and bigger.) You commit to only drinking after six p.m., but then life gets “lifey”, and you crack at five. 

the vicious cycle

For years you've been stuck in that cycle of rule-making, rule-breaking, and the inevitable guilt that follows. 

You “like” and share the “Rosé All Day” and “I Wine Because You Whine” memes without thinking twice. After all, if it’s funny, and everyone else is doing it, it can’t be a problem, right? You watch your girlfriends carefully when you’re out. Sometimes they drink more than you, and that makes you feel just a smidge better.

Nevertheless, a little voice (that even the wine won’t silence) has been quietly gathering strength and it’s telling you the drinking is no longer serving you.

But you can't imagine life without it

But this is your reward, the thing that makes it all tolerable, so how can you possibly enjoy life without it? Even so, you start to pay attention. You read about the science of alcohol and realize that it actually worsens anxiety and creates more stress in your life. You learn it’s a Type-1 carcinogen linked to breast cancer and colon cancer and you can’t unring that bell, no matter how hard you try. And now this new knowledge is also running through your head like a derby racehorse at 3 a.m. 

And this keeps going until you can’t.

And you find yourself HERE.

I know because I've been there.

I'm glad you found me.

You're in EXACTLY the right place.

Meet Your Coaches...

Hi! I'm Wendy McCallum



I cracked the code on my over-drinking!

  • After years of trying to control alcohol (rules, rules, rules!) I finally decided to take a really curious break and drop all the assumptions I was making about how alcohol was making life "better."
  • For example, I believed it was my reward at the end of a long day, it calmed my anxiety, enhanced my connection with my girlfriends and my husband, and helped me numb hard feelings.
  • I took a 30-day break from drinking while challenging these beliefs.
  • I was really surprised to learn that alcohol wasn't doing any of the things I thought it was.
  • In fact, it was doing the opposite. It was sabotaging me. So I kept going!
  • Now, almost six years later, I love helping other women challenge their own limiting beliefs and find true freedom from alcohol.

Hi! I'm Christy Osborne


  • I'm a certified sobriety coach, podcast co-host, and soon-to-be author of Love Life Sober: Finding Freedom from Alcohol in 40 Days (2024.) who was  born in Los Angeles, but is based in London.
  • In early 2020 I began to realize that the wine was starting to take more than it was giving. I found myself completely exhausted, with frustrating brain fog and low-grade irritability.
  • During the lockdowns, I began to seriously reevaluate my relationship with alcohol.
  • I got curious, took a mindful break from it and blew my own mind!
  • Now, with several years of sobriety and two accredited life-coaching qualifications behind me, I now help empower other women to take back control over their own relationship with alcohol.

We need to show you something....


YOU get to decide how you want alcohol to show up in your life. You can continue to reap the benefits of an alcohol-free lifestyle or you can return to the wine. It's not going anywhere.

how would it feel to...

Start sleeping through the night without those horrible, anxiety-ridden 3AM wake-ups?
Have more patience with your kids, partner and co-workers, instead of counting down the minutes to wine time?
Look in the mirror and see clear skin, bright eyes and feel a self-confidence that left the building years ago?

This process has given me so much freedom and empowerment. My anxiety is better, my sleep has improved, I have more energy, and I am present for my family. My only regret is that I didn’t do this sooner.

"Wendy is truly a gifted coach- her coaching sessions have been life-changing."

– Jessica, Group Coaching Client

This process has given me so much freedom and empowerment. My anxiety is better, my sleep has improved, I have more energy, and I am present for my family. My only regret is that I didn’t do this sooner.

"Wendy is truly a gifted coach- her coaching sessions have been life-changing."

– Jessica, Group Coaching Client


Finding Freedom

  • Weekly live coaching calls with me, Wendy McCallum, and my fellow Certified Coach, Christy Osborne.
  • The opportunity to watch recordings of calls that you missed or want to re-watch.
  • A private community (off Facebook) to meet and grow with your fellow Finding Freedom friends.
  • A library of concise yet powerful online lessons and content, including my REWIND program (6 weeks’ worth of short videos, journaling prompts and worksheets, and other resources) and Freedom Library.
  • The opportunity to stay in the community for continued coaching calls and meaningful connection on a monthly basis after the first 6 months for as long as it serves you.

This course completely changed the way I view alcohol. It gave me the tools to change my behaviour. Instead of deprived, I felt alive and empowered.

"I have found a new sense of freedom - alcohol doesn’t control my environment or choices- I do. In learning the psychology around why we drink and how much, our Coach encouraged all of us to stay focused on the positives and showed us all the things we gain when alcohol takes a back seat. I highly recommended this to any woman living in our modern world."

– Amy, San Fransisco, California

This course completely changed the way I view alcohol. It gave me the tools to change my behaviour. Instead of deprived, I felt alive and empowered.

"I have found a new sense of freedom - alcohol doesn’t control my environment or choices- I do. In learning the psychology around why we drink and how much, our Coach encouraged all of us to stay focused on the positives and showed us all the things we gain when alcohol takes a back seat. I highly recommended this to any woman living in our modern world."

– Amy, San Fransisco, California

Here are a few examples of popular lessons within the course..

"What do I tell my friends?"

In this lesson, we'll look at how to handle friends & family who give you a hard time about not drinking.

  • This isn't about you, it's about them. You are holding up a mirror to their drinking.
  • How to plan a night out so you don't feel uncomfortable when you order a mocktail.
  • What to say when your friends question your decision.

How to Handle Cravings

In this lesson, you’ll learn expert coaching tactics to get you through that 5 o'clock witching hour.

  • Learn what your body is really asking for instead of wine.
  • Learn how to recognise triggers, and change the drinking habit.
  • Play the tape forward. What does the next morning really look like if you have that drink?

Why Willpower Alone Doesn't Work

In this module, you’ll learn why it's been so hard in the past to stick to a break from alcohol.

  • Willpower is like a dying battery. By the end of the day, you have none.
  • Instead we will dive deep on how you can lose the desire to drink.
  • Losing the desire to drink means no more "should I/shouldn't I" battles. This is the key to freedom!

Does Moderation Work?

In this lesson, you’ll learn why moderation is so darn tricky!

  • Why some of your friends can moderate, but you can't seem to make it work.
  • How it feels to be able to take it or leave it.
  • Three reasons the substance of alcohol makes moderation difficult, including the science behind dopamine.

What happens if I slip-up?

In this module, we are going to reframe this journey. This is not about perfection, it's about progress.

  • In this lesson we talk about how "slip-ups" can be used help us along the way. We call these "data points."
  • When we have a drink, what can we learn about how you felt afterwards? How was your sleep? Did you have hangxiety after?
  • Strategically planned data points can help us learn how alcohol is really holding us back.

"I found Wendy at a time in my life when I felt completely stuck, and I was convinced that I was failing miserably in every aspect of my being from motherhood to my professional career to my personal relationships with friends and family. Mostly, I felt that I had lost “me” and that my light had faded. Wendy’s non-judgmental, supportive approach created a safe space for me to explore why I was feeling so stuck, and she gave me the tools I needed at exactly the right time to help me find me again. Wendy shed light on the fact that alcohol was my greatest barrier to living my best life, and she helped me to see that it really wasn’t a wonderful love affair between me and the red wine after all. I am forever grateful to Wendy for giving me the support that I needed to get un-stuck."


"Wendy offers a non-judgmental, professional, and effective approach; helping to identify drinking triggers, giving practical tools and advice, and helping to reframe the perspective around alcohol- reducing the cognitive dissonance. Her invaluable insight and encouragement has been a huge reason for my success in becoming alcohol-free. I consider Wendy a coach, mentor, and friend. This process has given me so much freedom and empowerment. My anxiety is better, my sleep has improved, I have more energy, and I am present for my family. My only regret is that I didn’t do this sooner. Wendy is truly a gifted coach- her coaching has been life-changing. I highly recommend working with Wendy!"


You'll also learn...

How Alcohol Increases Anxiety Through Adrenaline and Cortisol

How To Tackle Sugar Cravings During Your Break

How Even One Drink Affects Your Sleep


But right now, you get everything for

ONLY $1999


Non-Canadian Participants


6 Payments of




Pay in full




Canadian Participants


6 Payments of




1 Payment of




Stay in the group on a monthly basis after month six at a discounted rate, so you never have to feel alone!

Not quite ready to go all in?

No problem! If you're not sure, the Rewind Self-Guided Program is a great way to get started.

Rewind is a 6-week mindful break from alcohol that acts as a circuit-breaker by disrupting your physical and mental habits so you can make alcohol small and irrelevant again.


How it works:

  • After you sign up, you'll be sent a login to your course material.
  • You will also be invited to a private group on circle where you can get to know the other gals in the group.
  • Mark your calendars for the group calls which take place on Tuesdays at 9:30 AM EST/ 8:30 AM Central/ 6:30 AM PST. Watch the replays if you can't attend live!

"I had read This Naked Mind by Annie Grace and also participated in the 30 Day Alcohol Experiment, but found I needed something more to push me through after those 30 days were done. Wendy was it. When I spoke with Wendy, I felt like I was speaking with someone who knew exactly what I was going through. She made me ask myself the hard questions, which in turn made me realize some hard truths. Wendy helped me break free from alcohol, and all the negativity that it brought to my life. I know with absolute certainty I could not have done this without her."


"Wendy met me where I was, with no judgment whatsoever. Her professional training allowed me to slowly look at the pain behind my drinking. We took the time to break down the stories and beliefs I held for years around alcohol and its role in my life. I had to keep putting my beliefs under a microscope to find the truth. It's not always easy, but life without alcohol is significantly better. With Wendy's professional support, I'm building the foundation to live my alcohol-free life with integrity, honesty, and accountability. I'm grateful I found the courage to reach out and work with Wendy to rebuild my life."



Any woman who thinks that alcohol may be holding her back.

Any woman who may not identify as an alcoholic or like labels, period.

Any woman who feels alone when it comes to their struggle with alcohol.

Any woman who is sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

Any woman who isn't ready to say "forever" yet to sobriety but wants to take a test drive to see if all the benefits of living life alcohol-free are really true or not.

Any woman who feels like she's drinking just as much as the women around her but knows in her heart that it's time for something different.

Still Have Questions?

Book a free 15-minute discovery call by clicking right here.

Before you join, let's make sure it's a great fit! 


Frequently Asked Questions

Want to learn even more?

Listen to me share my story with Coach Christy right here.