Female Friendships in Midlife with Dr. Sarah Bailie, N.D.


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Today’s conversation around the value of meaningful female friendships in midlife is especially poignant for me and my co-host Sarah as colleagues who have also become very good friends over the course of the last few years.

We discuss how picture-perfect social media feeds can often lead to comparison and feelings of inadequacy, and how that can keep women from reaching out when they need more connection. 

But with midlife there’s a sense of coming home to oneself, and with that, a level of honesty that can make women finally feel they can admit when things are imperfect. Being able to build these deeper, more vulnerable friendships nurtures our energy.

Midlife is also a time when many women feel they now also have time for themselves, and these high-value friendships that could have been put on the back burner while they were prioritizing their family’s growth. 

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Pregancy Loss & Grief: Wendy's Story

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1 in 4 pregnancies ends in loss, and it’s high time we started talking about it.

In this episode, with the help of my BFF Megan, I tell my personal story of recurrent miscarriage and grief.

Of my five pregnancies, only one resulted in a live birth. My friend Megan was there for the grief and joy along the way and shares what she learned about how to best support someone who’s going through infertility and/or loss. I recollect some of the toughest moments, but also the lovely ways I was supported by so many.

The goal of this episode is to help anyone who’s been through this feel less alone and to change the conversation by increasing awareness and sensitivity around this really common struggle for women.

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