Dr. Jenn Salib-Huber, ND, RD - "What To Eat When You're Hormonal"

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Jenn Salib-Huber, Intuitive Eating Coach, R.D. & N.D., and I discuss what’s going on with our bodies and hormones during perimenopause and menopause and what we can do to our hormones and wellness through a “food-first” approach.

Specific topics include: “Meno Rage” (that out-of-body experience of wild anger that our hormones can trigger!), the “mid-life pleasure deficit” and how that can affect cravings, emotional eating and the importance of an experiment mindset & self-compassion, why soy does not cause breast cancer, the role of estrogen in weight gain and why we should celebrate it, and mindful and intuitive eating as the key to food freedom.

This is a conversation all women should hear!


Jenn helps women navigate the physical and emotional changes that happen in perimenopause and menopause, including their search for food freedom and body confidence....

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