Crafting Compelling Freebies: Boosting Opt-Ins and Building Trust

In this episode of The Coaching Edge, we'll delve into a crucial part of building your coaching business – offering high-value freebies. In an age where building genuine connections is key, I share the significance of providing very valuable free content to your audience. We'll talk about why a curated list of creative high-value freebie ideas, tailored to help you find the perfect match for your brand values and target audience.

I guide listeners through the process of assessing existing freebies and enhancing their value to ensure they resonate with your audience effectively. Addressing a common fear, we'll candidly discuss the misconception that giving too much away might devalue your services. Instead, we'll uncover the magic of building trust and credibility, showcasing how strategic freebies can significantly impact opt-in rates, email gathering, and audience growth.

Tune in to learn how to create freebies that not only attract your ideal clients but also foster a...

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The Write Path: Navigating the Publishing World as a Coach with Emily Lynn Paulson

In this episode of Coaching Edge, I’m joined by Emily Lynn Paulson, a Coach and two-time author with valuable insights into the world of publishing. Emily shares the three key things she wished she'd known before becoming an author. These include the differences between self-publishing, hybrid publishing, and traditional publishing, as she sheds light on their pros and cons. Emily also discusses the often-underestimated expenses associated with publishing.

Emily also reveals a few lesser-known facts about publishing, including that most writers fund their own book tours and that there’s a ton of persistence (not to mention a pretty thick skin!) required to overcome rejection in the publishing world. Emily emphasizes the role of social media in an author's journey and success, and how to know when you’re emotionally ready to share your story, making this episode a must-listen for any coaches considering writing a book.

Listen to the episode here


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My Biggest Coaching Mistakes! (What Not To Do) Pt 2 of 2

In this episode, I’m pulling back the curtain and sharing even more of the mistakes I made early on in my coaching business so you don’t have to learn the hard way. I’ll share how to establish that like, know, and trust factor to connect with leads, what to prioritize when pricing your programs, and why mapping out financial goals is key to keeping you in business - and so much more. Pay attention - this one’s packed with great tips!

If a coaching business was as simple as being a great coach, there would be a whole lot more coaches in this business. Building a coaching business is not easy - it takes a ton of work, creativity, and a fair bit of patience. But if your gut is telling you this is the right career for you, you can make it happen, I promise. First up, you’re going to need a steady, reliable stream of clients to be profitable.

Listen to the episode here

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My Biggest Coaching Mistakes! (What Not To Do) Pt 1 of 2

Welcome to the first episode of the Coaching Edge podcast! I am so excited you’re here. I know you’re busy building a business and working on your own work-life balance, and because of that, I’m committed to never wasting your time. I’ll be packing a lot of strategic advice into less than thirty minutes every two weeks so you have clear direction and the energy to implement everything we talk about here.

In this first episode, I’ll share how I knew it was time to leave a successful law career that left me in a perpetual state of burnout. More importantly, I’ll dive into three of the biggest mistakes I made in those first few months of my new coaching business, and how you can avoid them. I know you are looking for ways to be strategic about a career move that might feel really risky. Listening to someone’s advice who’s been there is the perfect place to do that! Start here, then check out the next episode where I share even...

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The Magic of "Holding It Lightly" with Sarah Baillie

In this brief yet powerful episode of Bite-Sized Balance, my regular guest and BFF Sarah Baillie and I explain the transformative idea behind "Holding it Lightly", a tool we both use regularly in our coaching practices. I open up about a challenging period in my life and how intentionally loosening my grip on the problem (with the help of a fantastic coach!) led to a remarkable shift in my feelings, behaviors, and overall well-being.

 We explore the tendency among women to hold on tightly to situations and desired outcomes, and how often this is driven by a need for control. But we can’t control other people, we can only choose how we respond and react to them. Have a listen and then experiment with holding life a little more lightly yourself – we can’t wait for you to discover the magic that unfolds when you let go of the need to tightly grasp every aspect of your journey!


To connect with Wendy about her coaching and programming, visit: ...

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Rewiring Your Brain: The Blueprint for Permanent Habit Change with Adele Spraggon

In this fascinating episode, I’m joined by Adele Spraggon, a Behavioral Change Expert and author, to explore the complicated world of decision-making in your brain. Adele sheds light on why your brain is always making choices on your behalf (spoiler alert: it's not your fault!) and unveils the step-by-step path to reprogramming it with a fresh set of operating instructions. 

Together, we dig into neuroscience to uncover how understanding your brain can empower you to make positive changes in your life (in all areas, even your drinking!). If you've ever wondered why you do what you do, and how to regain control, this episode is your key to unlocking your brain's full potential.

In this conversation, Adele and I delve into practical strategies and insights that can help you take charge of your decision-making process. 

We talk about:

  • Why you can’t (and shouldn’t) believe everything you think
  • Why you also shouldn’t always believe what your BFF...
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Embracing the Space in Midlife with Sarah Baillie

In this short and insightful Bite-Sized Balance episode, my regular guest and BFF, Sarah Baillie and I explore the notion of "Filling the Space" that often arises as we begin to say "no" to things that no longer serve us, set boundaries, and experience a shift in caregiving duties as our children grow older. Sarah beautifully articulates the common discomfort we feel with unoccupied time, driven by societal expectations of busyness. 

This tendency to fill the void immediately can lead to hasty decisions that don’t actually serve us and the adoption of unhealthy coping mechanisms. Sarah's heartfelt story about "Hershey," the almost-adopted dog, highlights the profound lessons she learned about her own relationship with free time.

Tune in to uncover how embracing the space in midlife can pave the way for authentic self-discovery and transformation.


To connect with me about my coaching and programming, visit:


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Ayurveda, Womenā€™s Hormones and Midlife with Carina Greweling

No matter what kind of healing or balance you're seeking in this season of life, you've probably realized that quick fixes and shortcuts rarely bring about lasting results. But taking that initial step towards educating yourself is the first stride toward creating real change.

 In this episode, I sit down with Ayurveda Health Coach, Carina Greweling, who helps women achieve lasting balance by restoring healthy sleep, gut health, and energy. She's a certified Ayurveda Hormone Coach, Chinese medicine practitioner, and naturopath.

In this crash course in Ayurvedic wisdom, Carina explains the three constitution types known as doshas, which are rooted in the five fundamental elements of earth, water, fire, air, and ether. According to Ayurvedic medicine, the doshas play a significant role in shaping an individual's physical, emotional, and mental characteristics.  This was all new to me, but I found it fascinating. It’s a really interesting complementary approach...

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Unlocking Daily Joy: The Power of Gratitude Practice

Today we're diving deep into a transformative practice that can supercharge your daily joy and make you feel like you can tackle the big challenges in your life. Gratitude is not just a buzzword; it's a game-changer. It has empowered me to stay so much more present as a parent, wife, and daughter, especially in the last year of my dad’s life. 

In this episode, I’ll share why your gratitude practice may have been ineffective in the past and what steps you have to take to make it a meaningful habit so that you can enjoy the benefits on a daily basis. The gift of gratitude is that it grounds you in the present moment. When you're actively searching for things to be grateful for, you can't help but be fully present.

Links Mentioned: 

Episode 23; Gratitude: How To Get More Joy in Your Life (In Just 5 Minutes a Day!)

To connect with Wendy about her coaching and programming, visit:

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How to Fall Back Into a Healthy Routine

Vacation's over and the kids are back at school. It’s that time of year when we often feel the need to get “back on track” and reboot the structure and routines that help us thrive. But something that we rarely consider is that as life changes, so does our personal “recipe for success.” Be it in relationships, careers, added responsibilities, shifting hormones, or the ages of your kids, life has a way of changing and throwing curve balls when it comes to maintaining a healthy routine. 

So if you’re looking to establish some new habits around sleep, food, movement, mental health, unhealthy coping mechanisms  (or any other area of positive change), this episode is the perfect place to start. With the tips you gather here, you’ll be able to evaluate all the variables in your life at this moment so you can create habits and routines that are both achievable and supportive of your body’s needs. 

In this episode,...

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