Mastering Holiday Balance: A Practical Guide

In this short episode of Bite-Sized Balance, I'm serving up practical, empowering strategies to keep your holiday balance in check, with the goal of you wrapping up the year feeling rested, restored, and not even a tiny bit over-stuffed and annoyed!

I'm dishing out practical tips on prioritizing what truly matters by deciphering between energy drains and gains, and using the 4 Ds (delete, delegate, defer, and do) to get those lists serving you better. No more overcommitting, no more overwhelm.
Join me as I set the stage for a transformative personal experiment this year. Learn how to craft feeling-based goals, allowing you to navigate December with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Together, we'll redefine your holiday experience, leaving you restored, recharged, and completely resentment-free come January. So, buckle up for a journey of conscious choices, self-care, and holiday harmony. Let's make this season truly magical and leave you feeling lighter and more fulfilled...

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Easy Potato & Leek Soup


2 tbsp coconut oil

3 large leeks (white and light green parts only)coarsely sliced

4 cloves garlic crushed

6 medium potatoes peeled and cubed

2 bay leaves

1.5 tsp dried thyme leaves

1.5 tsp sea salt

1/2 tsp ground nutmeg

1/2 tsp pepper

4 c low-sodium veggie broth

2 c unsweetened almond (or cow’s) milk

1 c plain yoghurt (greek or any type is fine, avoid fat-free)

To make: Heat the oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add leeks and garlic and cook a few minutes until leeks softened. Add potatoes, bay leaves, thyme, salt, nutmeg, and pepper and stir to coat. Add broth and milk and bring to a low boil, then immediately reduce to a simmer and cover. Cook for 10-15 minutes or until potatoes tender. Remove from heat. Remove bay leaves, stir in yoghurt.

Blend in stand blender or with immersion blender until smooth. (Careful: hot liquids in a blender can be messy - let the steam escape and hold your lid on!)

Makes about 9 cups (Serves 5).

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Ask the Coach ā€“ How to Stay Balanced Over the Holidays


 Watch the episode, above, or listen, below!


Today, I'm answering this question from Sara, a Bite-Sized Balance listener:


“How can I maintain my balance and actually enjoy the holidays this year?”


In this short podcast episode, I provide loads of simple strategies and tips for living more intentionally this holiday season so that you can start 2021 feeling relaxed, recharged and restored (instead of over-stuffed and exhausted!)

Topics include how to say “no” more often, simplify traditions, eat and drink more mindfully, prep meals in advance with a “Cook Once, Eat Twice” plan, and schedule and prioritize much-needed downtime.

Got a burning question you'd love me to answer in an upcoming episode? Send it to me at [email protected]! For more tips & strategies for a balanced, healthy life, follow me on Instagram and Facebook: @wendymccallumcoach

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