Ask the Coach: How Do I Know If I Have a Problem with Alcohol?


Watch the podcast, above, or listen below.

Are you a gray-area drinker? Join the club! Over 80% of North Americans drink and about 70% of them wish they drank less.

How do you know when it’s time to make a change? 

I explore this question in today’s episode, highlighting some of the signs that it may be time to start exploring your relationship with alcohol. 

I also talk about the one question we ask ourselves that doesn't really matter, and the one we need to be asking ourselves more often.

Finally, I give listeners a jumping-off point for starting to dig into their own relationship with alcohol with a simple coaching exercise.

Wish you drank a bit less? There's no need to commit to anything more than getting a little curious. I'd suggest you start by digging into your own beliefs around alcohol with  my 3 FREE alcohol belief-busting videos at

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Annie Grace - Alcohol and Women's Burnout

 Watch the episode, above, or listen, below!

This is a big deal, everyone! I quite literally had to talk myself into even inviting Annie to be on my podcast.


If you don't know much about Annie Grace, she's HUGE. I mean HUGE HUGE. She's a big deal and she's the real deal. She also, quite literally, changed my life.


I wanted to interview her SO badly, but I found myself struggling with my own limiting beliefs and fears. After a little "self-coaching", I leaned into them, wrote her a long email explaining why she was my #1 dream guest, edited it about 1000 times, took a deep breath, and hit "send" (and then felt slightly nauseous for the rest of the weekend). But she said YES!  (I'm sharing this story to remind you that I'm human, just like you, and that sometimes you just need to feel the fear and do it anyway to get what you want in life.)


In this episode, I interview my mentor Annie Grace, the author of This Naked Mind: Control...

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