Ask The Coach - How Do I Deal With Cravings?

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I'm adding a new regular feature to the podcast that I'm hoping you'll love, Ask The Coach, where I answer questions from you, the listeners.

In the first installment of “Ask The Coach”, I answer this question from Shannon, a Bite-Sized Balance listener:

“Every morning I promise myself I won’t eat sugar that day, but every night the craving hits, and I give in again. What can I do differently?”

 In this short podcast episode, I explain how cravings work and provide three practical, bite-sized strategies to diffuse a craving when it hits, no matter what it is you’re craving.

Have you got a burning question you'd love me to answer in an upcoming episode? Send it to me at [email protected] (Please let me know if you're OK with me using your first name on air, or if you'd rather I use a pseudonym -- either is fine!)

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