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In the second installment of “Ask The Coach”, I answer this question from a Bite-Sized Balance listener:
“I know that I need to change, but I can’t seem to get any momentum. I can do it for about a week, but then I always fall off the wagon. How can I make lasting change?”
I have over 10 years of coaching experience supporting busy women who are struggling to maintain balance and relying too much on unhealthy coping mechanisms. In this short podcast episode, I explain why it can seem so hard to make habit changes stick and provide several proven strategies, including “trying different, not harder”, re-framing your goals from an abundance mindset, and tweaking your system until it produces the results you want, for achieving sustainable, lasting change.
Got a burning question you'd love me to answer in an upcoming episode? Send it to me at [email protected]! For more tips & strategies for a balanced, healthy life, follow me on Instagram and Facebook: @wendymccallumcoach
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