Lyndsay Doyle: The SuperROLEModel Project - Celebrating Women in Sport

Watch the podcast episode, above, or listen, below!

Lyndsay Doyle is a gifted photographer (she’s responsible for all the photos on my website and the cover art for this podcast!) with a passion for advancing women’s equality.

A few years ago, Lyndsay became aware that only 5% of sports covered by the mainstream media involve female athletes, and that adolescent girls were dropping out of sport at an alarming rate. Those two facts got her curious (and pretty annoyed), so she set out to learn more.

In the process, she began photographing and interviewing women in sport - coaches, athletes and volunteers. That work culminated in a powerful book of photoessays, called Strong and Free. 

Join Lyndsay and me as we discuss the reasons behind the ridiculous inequity in coverage of women’s sport, the reasons why so many girls drop out of sports as they age, and what we can do as balanced, healthy women and powerful role models to start changing the landscape for young women. 

Follow Lyndsay at @ldoylephoto on Instagram, @lyndsaydoylephotography on FB, or on her website at You can order Strong and Free through Lyndsay’s website or via Amazon if you live outside of Atlantic Canada.


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