Avoiding the Rock Bottom of Midlife with Dr. Sarah Bailie, N.D.

 Watch the podcast, above, or listen below. 

This week, I am joined again by my friend and colleague Sarah Baillie, N.D. to talk about the practical steps women can take to avoid hitting an emotional rock bottom in midlife. Research suggests that most people are at their unhappiest in their forties, but that this continues to improve as they age.

Sarah and I believe there are ways to speed that process up!

As more of our clients come to us looking for support in pro-actively making their midlife easier and happier, we have identified five key areas women can address to help create space for themselves during the time in their life when their energy and happiness are statistically at their lowest. 

Whether you’re preparing to head into the bottom of the u-curve of happiness, or if you’re already there, these suggestions can help you and the people around you create more peace and joy in your life.

Topics include how to cut back on your to-do list, how to care less, how to say no, how to create space and time for yourself (it’s not as impossible as it seems!), and how to open up and communicate what you are experiencing with your family to make it easier to take what you really need.

To contact Sarah Baillie about coaching, email her at: [email protected]


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